Its been a while

Feb 02, 2009 22:34

Alright.. its been a long time since ive posted.. but hey, there's been a lot of shit going on lately. So have a seat, keep your eyes peeled and glued to your screen, and fry your retinas with what you are about to read. Okay? got it? good.

Okay, just to start, I know there's been a lot of shit going around.. kicks to the ribs when you where already heaving on the ground.. those who this pertains to, you know who you are. The majority of this post goes out to YOU.

In times of hardship, when we feel that all we can do is just sit and "let it happen" or as I experienced earlier today, the urge to just manually clear your thoughts with a 9mm hollow point through one temple and out the other. When you are in times like these, its important to remember how simple signs of affection help so much.. if not by a loved one, by a close friend.. hell, just bitching about it helps, but please.. by all means, TALK ABOUT IT. We cannot carry all of our burdens ourselves.. i've come to realize it over time. Carrying these things all by yourself does things to you.. it isolates you.. makes you bitter and defensive.. so please, before any of that happens LET IT OUT! And if by now you feel that i'm just lecturing, please.. by all means. stop reading.. but the few of those who care to listen to what I say, I thank you.. and I promise you that you'll at least come away with something.

One of the main points of this post is to just put whats in my mind out there.. so most thoughts are scattered and unorganized, for which, I apologize. But now, a few wise words that I came up with a while ago..

The most beautiful of flowers grows from the hardest of stone.

Spring is only beautiful because it follows winter.

Drink deep from the well of life and prosperity, but be sure to save some room for others.

Now, at this point, you probably realize that this is 100% out of order and disorganized.. well, if you read earlier, you would know that before this point.. but, moving on to an ainchent buhddist story I heard, and one I will never forget. It holds great relevence in times of hardship, when one seems so burdened with current problems, being either problems at work, or problems with finances.. This story helps, and has a moral that we should all remember..

"A long, long time ago.. A man was walking through the forest on his way to the market. The man had walked for some time before he was confronted by a hungry, ferocious tiger. The man turned and ran, the tiger chased after him, keeping pace with him, step for step. The man ran and ran and ran, untill finally he came to a steep cliff. Unable to stop himself, the man fell down the cliff.. Farther and farther he fell, untill he managed to grab hold onto one lonely branch, stopping his fall halfway down the massive cliff. The man looked above him, to find the hungry tigher looking down at him, still ready to eat him.. the man looked down, finding ANOTHER hungry tigher below him, also waiting for an easy meal. The man then began to dispair and felt sorrow for his own fate.. but it was at that point when he looked before him.. finding one lone strawberry on the very branch that held him. the man then softly plucked the strawberry from its vine and ate it.. and that strawberry was the best strawberry he had ever tasted in his life.."

So you see the moral in this story? To not weep or fret about the inevitable.. but to enjoy even the smallest things in life.. and take in the simple beauty of often overlooked things in life.. if its one thing you take away from this post folks.. let it be that moral.. and that story.. and pass it on to others who need to hear it.. We all need a pick-me-up sometimes.. some more than others, but when it comes down to it.. we are all human.. and needing help is a big part of being human, and supplying that help is a HUGE part of being a GREAT person. How many people do you think say "Well, I was going to help, but.." or "I couldnt help because.." ? folks, Ive said it myself.. more than once, but we all have to try and "put up or shut up" when it comes to these things.. we are all capable of helping others on some degree, and folks, let me tell you that even letting the person ramble on and on and just nodding and saying "mmhm, I know, I know.." helps. Why? Because you are letting them GET IT OUT! (see, I managed to tie it to the beginning of the post)

So, folks.. this is about the end of my post.. and time for a quick recap.

- Don't be afraid to ask for help.. as hard as it is to beleive, there ARE people out there that WILL help.

- Enjoy the small things in life while you can.

- Help others.. not only because its the right thing to do, but you may just need their help one day.

So. there you have it.. my little bit of life's lessons in one LJ post.. will there be more to come? who knows.. it all depends on how the road of life twists and turns. Untill then, live life, be happy, and keep moving.

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