Jun 08, 2004 09:48
Ok, I like my job, and I like the people taht I work with... with one little exception. There is a manager named Aaron that works there, and boy, is he mean. I do not know if he is trying to be mean, or if it just in his nature, but I really do not like him at all. *nod nod* EVERYTHING I do, he just seems to be staring at me like I am doing something hideously wrong, and I should just die right then and there on the spot to save the store some touble or someting. And then when he talks to me, he seems to talk to me like he dosn't expect me to do what he is asking right, but he has to ask me anyways. Like, one thing that made me really mad was, yesterday, at 7:00 I was scheduled to get carts. Well, it was 5 minutes untill 7, the carts were completly full, and it was raining, windy, and in my opinion, cold. Plus, I was just not in that good of a mood. So anyways, 5 minutes till, he walks up to me and says "Tiffany, it is 7:00, you need to do carts now!" and he said it really mean, like he was aggrivated that I had not psycickly picked up that he wanted me to do the carts early. What the fuck. And the cart thing was full!! So I had to go out there for a frigin hour in that stupid weather, and just try to find something to do before he cut my head off. Ugh, and that is just one example of the things that he does, and the way that he acts. *nod nod* So therefore, I have come up with the name, Aaron poopoo head, or just Mr. poopoo head for short. Did I mention that he is cross eyed and wears the biggest glasses I have ever seen?? Did I also mention that I hate making eye contact with people who are cross eyed/extreamly noticably lazy eyed? yeah, well, I do. *shudders* Not to mention his very very very soft femy voice. I came to the conclusion that he is gay. *nod nod* and he hates me because I am a girl. *nod nod* so...maybe he should be mrs. poopoo head?? O.o' anywho, I will stop ranting about Mr/mrs. poopoo head now, because I really need to get on to my assignment, and I do not feel like complaining to the peoples who read this anymore, cause it sucks to read about people complaining. *nod nod nod*
*On a good note, I don't work tonight, so I will be going to DDR! Yay! ^^