Dec 07, 2005 01:58

lol, figured that I might as well let some people who care (don't quite know who that is exactly, but ah well) know what the hell is going on. lol. Things seem to be going the same as they were, but I am not going to say that things suck, because that would not be true. Things sucked for Carol, they do not suck for me, they are just aggrivating as hell. So I switched host familys and I really like my new host family. There is nothing wrong with that change. It's the school that has been really pissing me off. This is their first year of doing an exchange, so I will give them SOME leaneancy, but they still piss me off. *Takes a deep breath before starting her rant*
Ok, So this 'Midorigaoka Girls highschool' that I am going to is apparently two different schools, even though they are on the same campus, wear the same uniform, share teachers, schedules, classes, ect. So....forgive me if I can not really see what the big difference is, but apparently there is one. Ooookkaaay. So because of this apparent difference, the only way that they could seperate Melissa and I, so that we would be getting less english would be if one of us were to go into the Junior hs, which they don't want us to do. so that option is out. Whee. Melissa is being extreamly selfish about this whole thing and is glad that we are not seperating, because she's too damn...something, don't know what at the moment, whorish, there, lol, to even try to make friends with our classmates and so dosn't want to be all alone. Big fucking woopdedo. We're not in Japan to talk to each other and take a holiday melissa, we're here to learn Japanese. And it honest feels like she dosn't even care about that to me. she's not really trying. She is always on the computer at school reading ENLGISH fan fictions, she never studies Japanese except what we are going to be tested on the following week (we finally got them to give us some work that might help us, whee) and as mentioned before, she dosn't even try to make friends so that she can talk to them in Japanese. It's crazy. For example, we were walking home with one of my friends Yuki today, and Melissa said something in english to me that she could have very well said in Japanese, she said her foot hurt, and she left ME to translate to Yuki. What. The. Fuck.
But, enough about her, Back to the school. I figured out why it is the 'two schools' are 'different'. The school that we are in is a 'special' section of the school, one that costs ALOT more money to get in. Why? Why is this? That's easy! The section of the school we are in is the special English Immersion Midorigaoka. Everyday there is at least one english class, and there are four native english speaking teachers who help teach. So why are Melissa and I there, seeing as how we already know english and are trying to learn, oh let's say, Japanese? Because the school wants us to help teach their students. That's the plain and simple fact of why they accepted us to come here. They do not care about us learning Japanese, they arn't even giving us any classes or any help so that we might succeed. They just want our English help. Well, they can go to hell if that's what they want, because I don't. In the english classes I block out the teachers and study Japanese, like I am SUPPOSED to be doing here.
Overall I've been here over three months I believe, but not by too much, and has my Japanese really improved any? No. Maybe I can understand a BIT more, but I still cannot speak it, at all. It gets me so frustrated sometimes that I just want to scream and cry and maybe kill someone. Lots of someones, but I don't think that would accomplish much in the way of me learning anything, so yeah. Well, I feel slightly, ok not really, better now that I have all that out. and I know it's mean of me to say this, but I actually kinda wish Melissa hadn't come. I wouldn't mind I guess if she was talking to me non stop english like she is and at the same time actually trying to learn Japanese, but since she is not, and she hampering my efforts, it just makes me so angry.
And you know what? I think that I am going to stop this here, because I have ranted enough. Later
The Tifa Monster
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