Mar 19, 2006 22:08
Talk to her in movie theatres....
Hold her hand while u talk....
Tell her she looks pretty....
Look her in the eye when u talk to her....
Tell her stupid jokes....
Let her mess with ur hair....
Just walk around w/ her....
Look at her like shes the only girl you see...
Tickle her Even if she says stop....
When she starts yelling at u,tell her u love her....
Let her fall asleep in ur arms....
Get her mad,then kiss her....
Tease her...
Let her tease u back....
kiss her enough, but dont over kiss her....
Stay up w/ her all night when shes sick....
Watch her favorite movie....
Kiss her forehead....
Write her letters....
If she asks u 2 go 2 a show with her,go....
Let her wear ur clothes.....
When shes sad,hang out with her....
Buy her ice cream....
Be Honest w/ her....
Let her take all the photos of u she wants....
Kiss her in the rain ....
***And when u fall in love w/ her tell her
sigh, the beautiful life i wish i led.