1. Hugs from behind.
2. Hold her hand when walking next to her.......NO MATTER WHO MAY SEE!!!
3. When standing next to her, wrap your arms around her.
4. Cuddle with her.
6. Write little notes.
7. Compliment her Honestly.
8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.
9. Be super sweet to her
10. Pick her over your friends...no matter what. even if your friends call you whipped
11. Comfort her when she cries.
12. Love her with all your heart.
13. Pick her up and flirt with her (she'll scream and say put me down but really shes loves it).
14. Be a gentleman (hold the door for her).
15. Kiss her in the rain.
16. If shes upset, stay on the phone with her even if shes not talking
17. Please don't check other girls out right infront of her
18. Push her on swings
19. Don't joke about weight with her, she might think your serious
20. If your friends don't like her, tell them to get over it..don't give in
So yeah... not really much to say. Volleyball's killin me, and I love it. Tastee Zone today with Connor && Sarah. Cleaned Room. New Sandals. uhhh.. behind in school =/, need to study more. Yay for phrase-filled entries with no specific topic. Volleyball Saturday && Sunday. No idea when I start working. Plans for thursday && friday?? comment, im, or text =) ♥