the soonest I might be able to come down is the end of August. Which regardless of the leak I might try to come down for a visit anyways. It might be easier to find the leak from the inside. If water is coming down form around the chiminey then most likely its just that the flashing has come up a bit ans a little bit of tar will fix that. If you got a few cupped shingles and thats where the water is coming in then you can tear those out and reshingle the area. you dont have any sort of home warranty on your property do you?
hooom. we have home insurance that the bank required...but thats it, no warranty.
we still have not gotten up. we suck. i suspect its just a few shingles as i dont think its anywhere near the chimney...i half heartedly poked at the ceiling inside the other day but was unable to get the right amt of force to get the drop ceiling to budge. i need a taller person or a better, taller thing to stand on. boo.
there's just a million things on our lists and since it keeps being dry we've been ignoring the roof like good ignoring things.
we'd love to see you!!! i should call and harrass you for scheduling, one day much love
Comments 4
we are busy and dreading it...
and you know how no idea what to look for...
we still have not gotten up. we suck. i suspect its just a few shingles as i dont think its anywhere near the chimney...i half heartedly poked at the ceiling inside the other day but was unable to get the right amt of force to get the drop ceiling to budge. i need a taller person or a better, taller thing to stand on. boo.
there's just a million things on our lists and since it keeps being dry we've been ignoring the roof like good ignoring things.
we'd love to see you!!! i should call and harrass you for scheduling, one day
much love
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