Nov 04, 2008 16:22
Thought I'd post this email chain between myself and a co-worker (un-named).
(In reply to an email regarding our company's policy to pay voters for their time spent away from work and in the polling lines.)
Me: lol @ our state not offering it. Also LOL @ most being only 2 hours when people are spending 6-8 hours sometimes in line.
Co-worker: I know. It's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. It's amazing how people will think of anything to get extra money. Sometimes I wish I was like that because I would probably have a lot more money, but I would probably be very disliked. Ha-ha.
Me: Wait, do you think it's ridiculous that people are actually using this? Did I read that wrong?
Co-worker: lol. I dunno. Maybe I'm not reading it right either. I think it's ridiculous that people EXPECT to get paid for voting.
Me: I don't. Look at it this way. Say you live in Virginia or Pennsylvania or one of the other states where lines are ridiculously long. (We're talking about 6 hours in some places.) So you get up and get in line at, say, 7 am when you have to be at work at 8am, not expecting a line. Do you give up your chance to vote (which has been paid for by the blood of our fathers) and possibly make a change in this nation, or do you give up 4 hours (or more) of your paycheck? It's an unfair choice to ask the American voter to make. You shouldn't have to pay to vote, voting is a right, something which NO ONE should be able to take away from us, whether it is by telling us no outright or asking us to make a choice between wages and our democratic freedoms.
Co-worker: No. lol im confused now. I think im explaining what I'm trying to say wrong.
WTF? It's things like this that really make me wonder about Americans as a whole.
Regardless. My vote for Obama is cast. I'll be sitting in front of CNN for the rest of the night when I get home from work in the ardent hope that the system isn't really broken.