YouTube and AnimeBoston 2006

May 30, 2006 01:21

So, before my AB brief write-up, I have something interesting to note. At the AMV 101 panel Wendy mentioned something about searching YouTube for her own videos, and finding a bunch on there. It had never occured to me that this might have happened to me, but guess what! It has. 4 different people have uploaded Atonement, but thankfully they all included a "I didn't make this" disclaimer. The people who uploaded Sins of Alchemy and Alchemit's Trade, however, did not include said disclaimer. Booo! I sent them private messages. The amazing thing, though, is that Atonement has been viewed THIRTEEN THOUSAND times and had 100 comments. Goddamn. I did a total double take on that 13,000 number. Anyway, on to the con!

Thursday: I managed to get the wings finished and into the car with Rachel's help, and we drove the whole way to Boston without getting lost once. Picked up the badges with no problems, hung out in the room, checked out DOKool's kickass room setup, then headed off for the AMV editor's dinner, which had a sadly poor turnout. But it was still fun. Then off to bed.

Friday: Started off the day as Riku from Kingdom Hearts 2 and got a ton of pics taken, and I got to fight with a great Sora. She had the best wig ever. ^^ Went to the dealer's room, then to the AMV 101 panel, which was surprising. We had practically no "what hardware/software" etc questions, everyone just seemed to want to see cool AMVs. We obliged. I went back up to the room and changed into my Edward costume for the AMV showing and had fun with Rachel, who dressed as Winry. I stood on my briefcase a lot and got called short so many times I lost count. Eliza and I checked out the wig styling panel, so maybe this coming year I can make my own kickass wigs! Yay! Then it was off to the AMV showing. The saturation was really bad that night, so the end of my vid and the other Chrono Crusade one looked pretty bad, but other than that it was a fun time had by all. Then Winry and I proceeded to the rave where we had a blast dancing for the non-existant fangirls/boys. Apparantly a few guys thought it was hot that we were dancing together, which is sad, because I was supposed to be a boy and all, but oh well. Eliza and I went to the yaoi viewing, which really just turned into a fun night of Mystery Science Theater. XD

Saturday: Got the Van costume on and headed to masquerade judging, where one of the strings broke in the wings. I managed to get it fixed, then the PVC pipe came out of the harness, but Rachel fixed me (which was hilarious since she was dressed as Winry.) I had a LOT of compliments on the wings, but they hurt like hell to wear and it was a major trial trying to sit down anywhere. One lady in the food court (a normal, not an Otaku - she was around 50ish) told me my wings were so pretty they brought tears to her eyes when she first saw them. No joke. I was really flattered. The masquerade was a horror show, for me. The PVC pipe, which had been holding FINE for like 8 hours, decided to come out the second I stepped on stage. *sigh* Hooray for embarassing moments in front of 5000 people. But my AMV won Best Romance, and they pulled me up on stage while it played (wings fixed, now) and a BUNCH of people in the audience had pulled out their cell phones and were waving them over their heads like lighters. It was so touching, I almost wanted to cry. After the masquerade I had to go pee so bad my eyes were like, floating, so we practically RAN back to the hotel room so I could take off the wings and get to a bathroom.

Sunday: This year I participated in the cosplay chess, and I must say that it was about the most fun I had at the con this year. I got to hang out with Sketch, and we did a variation of the "Spanish Inquisition" skit by Monty Python, he (as Vash) and I and Alucard from Hellsing. It was hilarious. Trying to drag him off stage by the arm after Tsunade killed him was a challenge though, especially in the metal auto-mail. I killed Tohru from Fruits Basket, but then Yuki Sohma got his revenge and siced his YUki fangirl squad on me. Killed by fangirls - how embarassing. The AMV wrap-up panel was cute, DOKool did his "I had a dream" speech, and I headed to a bathroom to peel off the Edward costume and head for the car. Parking this year was 100$ - what a ripoff.

Con swag: FMA pillow, movie-version Roy Mustang plushie, Azumi DVD, Howl's Moving Castle DVD, Gravitation Boxed Set, "I <3 Yaoi" t-shirt, free Edward Elric patch, and a Kumogaro.

Injuries: My back, shoulders and chest are all still aching from the wings, my arm is bruised to hell from the automail, and my pride is bruised from the masquerade.
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