All I can say is, Holy shit.
If you were at the con and voted for my video, THANK YOU SO MUCH! ^^
Briefly, here are the main events (longer con write-up in lj-cut):
1. I won Best Dramatic AMV
2. I won Best in Show AMV O.o
3. The skit didn't go so well
4. A lot of people really loved my costume ^^
5. I won an Honorable Mention for my costume
6. I had a blast! XD
Thursday: Daniel and I got to the Hynes after a couple hours of driving and found Kylah, Eldon and Candice, then proceeded to check into the hotel and make our way to the Hynes Convention Center. (Was anyone else creeped out by the church inside the mall? O.o) We picked up our badges then I waited in the lobby for my skit members, of whom only Al and Scar showed up. We briefly discussed some skit stuff then went back to the room, where our neighbors yelled at us for being too loud at 9pm. >.> (9pm? What decent con-goer goes to bed at 9?) I couldn't sleep all night because I was so nervous about the skit, and the AMV showing, and the panel lol
Friday: After a good half hour of getting into my costume, we went down to the con. I got hugged by a lot of random people and had a LOT of pictures taken of me, and took a lot of pics of other people. ^^ Naruto seemed to be the over-done cosplay of the year this year, followed closely by FMA, which was to be expected, of course. Eliza (aka con-bitch ~_^, and don't I love her for it) and I went to get my costume judged and to sign in for the masquerade, and thank god she reminded me to show my book with all the transmutation circles in it to the judges! lol Then we went to see Chrono Crusdade, which was VERY good, before grabbing some food in the food court.
Off to the AMV 101 panel! As always, this was a lot of fun, I basically sat back and let the boys talk. hehe DOKool gave me my bag of stuff from Japan, which included: A FFXI bag, a stuffed Mandragora, some FMA doujins, ED ELRIC BUBBLE BATH (god damn is that awesome) and some little figurines. ^^ Thank you! *huggles DOKool After the AMV 101 panel (which I played my Roy-dor video for, and got thunderous applause XD hehe) we headed off to do something... oh yes the dealer's room. I got an FMA bag. :) Eliza and I attended the Anime Whose Line is it Anyway, which was pretty funny. Scott McNeil was the man. After that it was on to the AMV competition, where we all got to sit in the balcony like the l33t editors we were. ^^ Went back to the room and took off the auto-mail, then went to the AMV Iron Editor competition, which would have been much funnier if it hadn't been for that snobby girl on the panel. >< I was just too tired to deal with my annoyance so I left. Anyway, got back to the room that night and checked out the damage from the costume, which included a BADLY bruised arm and neck.
Saturday: Woke up not being able to move my right arm at all until Daniel massaged my shoulder for awhile. >< Got back into costume and headed down to the con, where our first stop was the dealer's room. Had some trouble getting to the end of the line, because every 5 feet people were stopping me for pictures! XD This round I managed to get 2 FMA pins (Ed and Roy), an Ed chibi keychain, and a con t-shirt. I also picked up the FFVII soundtrack for my friend Alan. :) Wow, it's so hard remembering everything we did! ^^ I know Eliza and I wanted to go to the Scrapped Princess showing, but there was no room left in the video room so we missed out. :( XD I was accosted by the BEST HUGHES EVER outside my panel room. lol He actually bent me over backwards yelling about Eliysia until my back was about 6 inches over the ground, I was praying he wouldn't drop me! hehe Someone in the crowd got it on video and gave us a CD the next day. ^^ My FMA: Behind the Alchemy panel was... interesting. It was standing room only, we had a LOT of people come. I talked a little about the history of alchemy and we discussed the show, but it was mainly just a fan discussion panel. Envy was on the panel with DOKool and I and we got to bicker about stuff, and we even had a couple of mini-fights. It was great fun. ^^ After that Eliza and I went back to the room and got the subtitle cards for the masquerade skit, then got something to eat before joining the rest of our skit participants. Our Al was the cutest thing ever, he tried sooooo hard. ^^ Bad Luck played before the masquerade started, they sounded pretty good from backstage but I heard from some people in the audience that the singer was off-key >< Anyway, the skits were great, Sketch's in particular was hilarious as usual ("Puss... in boots!" LMAO). Ours didn't go so well, because I asked the sound techs to wait a minute so Eliza could get in position with the subtitle cards, but they didn't. So we were rushing to get on-stage, we all ran off before the cue, and poor Eliza couldn't keep up with the subtitles. ;_; But, it could have been worse. ^^
Now, for what Kylah refers to as my "crowning achievement." >.>
Eliza and I were waiting backstage while they played the AMV winners. They played the judges awards, then went straight to "best action," skipping over "best drama." I turn and go, "well, that probably means a drama won best in show... that could be either REALLY good or really bad. lol" We waited through the rest of the winners, I would have been biting my nails if one hand hadn't been covered in metal and the other in a glove. Then, "best dramatice video & best in show" comes up, and a Sesshoumaru stands up right in front of me! I was trying to look around her while Eliza yells, "move the fluffy!" but then I saw it:
Kiarrrens: Atonement
I jumped up and screamed and Eliza and I hugged and jumped up and down and screamed some more, then I started crying as my video played. I kept crying throughout the whole thing as it played, I was just so happy to have won. Once I peeked out through the curtains to see crowd reaction, and it was amazing, everyone was just watching the screen with this transfixed look on their faces. After it finished I started crying again while the applause went on, then they began announcing masquerade winners. I was just brushing the last of my tears away when Eliza goes, "what if you win this too?" and I said, "I don't care, it doesn't matter anymore, I won BEST IN SHOW," when they call my name. I was still in shock as I stumbled up to the stage, where I won an honorable mention for the alchemy book I had with all the circles in the series in it. She goes, "what made you want to make this costume?" and, still in shock, the only thing I can come up with is, "Uhm... I made the video?" Everyone started cheering, then I said, "I, um, I just love FMA. A lot." lol and kinda stumbled off-stage. I wanted to thank everyone but I was so out of it I didn't even know what was going on. A Vash backstage yelled something about spoiling the series, I said something about the spoiler warning and sat down, shaking. Literally shaking. After the masquerade was done (congratulations to everyone who won, you ALL deserved the prizes, what incredible costumes!) we went out front. A lot of people wanted pictures of my book, and some people came up and hugged me and told me my video made them cry. They were so sweet! I made my way outside for a smoke, where we ran into Scott McNeil. lol Got my pic with him then went back to the room, took off the auto-mail, and went to the overflow AMV screening. I wanted to stay for the whole thing but I was so tired, and an emotional wreck. O.o So Eliza, Kylah and I went back to the room for some much-needed sleep.
Sunday: I wore the comfortable Ed costume (aka no auto-mail) all day and went to the dealer's room, where Eliza got me my b-day present, volume one of Rune Soldier. XD I love that show. Then we went to pick up my trophies at con ops. I had my own personal paparazzi (Kylah >.>) and a couple of other people wanted pics of me with the trophy. hehe The Best in Show one got broken in delivery so they're mailing me a fixed one, but I have the Best Drama one, it's so pretty. :) Went to the AMV wrap-up panel, where my video was the only one that wouldn't play (heh heh) then Daniel and I left to go have a birthday dinner at my aunt's house.
That's it... but wow, what a con. I'll never forget saturday night, it's one of the best moments in my life. Thank you, AnimeBoston, for the best birthday present I've ever gotten. Thank you.