Here I am tonight to show you this great battle on
Freefans between me and a wonderful artist,
ery_90 , but it's great above all for the subject, Twilight. This is a passion that we have in common and that make us friends, so it was a big pleasure to do this battle with her, not only because she's a great artist, but also because she's a fantastic girl! Thank you so much Marghe!!! *kiss
so there are 10 (beautiful) rounds/wall (1024x768) about Twilight
round#1 Ery
round#2 Kia
Round#1 Kellmett by Ery
Round#2 Edward&Bella by Kia
Round#3 Alice&Jasper by Ery
Round#4 Eternity by Kia
Round#5 Volterra by Ery
Round#6 Genesis by Kia
Round#7 Bella Swan by Ery
Round#8 Edward&Bella Blue by Kia
Round#9 Leah Clearwater by Ery
Round#10 Fire&Ice by Kia
- If you want the rounds 6 - 8 - 10 without "versus text", just tell me!
- I have to thank
bambinainnero for the textures of round 4 and the moon in the round 6