Title: El Alma del Tango
Author: Kiarene
Pairings: Sanada / Atobe
Rating: R
Summary: No other dance connects two people more closely than the tango.
Published: 9th August - 6nd December 2005
Disclaimer: I would love to own Atobe-sama… and gang… but I don’t.
5th & 6th Dance )
Comments 7
That was stunning.
I am completely in awe. The whole relationship was developed so beautifully, and so naturally. I was completely mesmerised by the gorgeous plot... getting way too excited during the matches... and completely melted at the dramatic tango scene.
Oh *wow* I knew you were good but I didn't know you were THIS GOOD. Ohmigod, I worship you.
SanaAto is LOVE. *hearts*
Thank you very much! Mmm... I love Sanada/Atobe too. When I was watching the series, I checked the fanfics online and Tezuka/Atobe was pretty popular. I thought, well I can understand; I can see the chemistry. Then I saw the episodes on the junior invitational camp and matches, and I thought, how can anyone miss *that*? OMG. It was like, subtext galore.
I wonder why I had never review this story before...
PS. I hope you would write more in the future. ^^
I love the Tango pair too... watched the anime and well, to me, the chemistry between the two was there. *g* Sigh. Wish the anime would show more of the other teams, especially Hyotei, my fav.
I'd like to ask you permission to translate at Spanish this story. It would be a birthday present for a friend of mine who like it so much.
It’ll be an honor to me if you say yes -I hope so! I promise you I’ll do my best to achieve a great work with your fic.
If you want, can see my translation works here: http://perlita-negra.livejournal.com/13530.html
I’m looking forward to hearing from you ;-)
I'm so sorry for the delay in my reply. Sure, I'd be honored if you want to translate my story. Just drop me a link when you're done!
is that okay?
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