Pitch Perfect - Triple Treble

May 30, 2013 16:39

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Pairing: Beca/Aubrey/Chloe
Rating: PG
Length: 1000
Disclaimer: nothing is mine.
A.N. English is not my first language. Thanks to slacker_d, for the help.

Prompt from PaoHalliwell : Can we get one were they adopt a puppy?

"What did you do?" Aubrey asked as soon as she entered the living room, putting down her bag.

"Nothing." Chloe gasped from the couch. "Why do you think I did something?"

"Because you have that face." Aubrey looked pointedly at her. "The one you use when you did something you know I won't approve and yet you'll try to convince me anyway."

The blonde crossed her arms over her chest as she watched Chloe twitching in her seat and then opening her blue eyes wide. "That face. I think it's called…puppy dog eyes."

A bark followed Aubrey's words.

"Chloe?" she demanded. "Chloe, tell me I didn't hear what I think I heard."

Chloe bit her lips and looked away.

"What is this?" Aubrey had followed the sounds.

"It's Carl."

"Carl?" the blonde repeated, looking at the puppy.

"Carl." Chloe confirmed, nodding her head.

"And what is it doing here?"

"He," the red head corrected her. "And he followed me."


"No, what?"

"I know what you're thinking, Chlo, and the answer is no." Aubrey stopped her.


"No buts. We're not keeping it."

"Him!" Chloe corrected her again, annoyed. "And why not?" she crossed her arms and raised her chin, almost in defiance.

"You can't just decide to get a dog. Or to just keep one because he followed you home. You don't live alone," Aubrey said, trying to remain calm.

"I'll ask Beca then."

"What? Why? What about me? I don't want it."

"If Beca says yes, it's two against one and he'll stay. It's your rule, after all, right? Democratic decision and everything, no? Come on Carl, let's go for a walk."


"What do you think? Good?" Beca asked, getting a bark in response.

"And this?" A whine followed her question. "I thought so. There is something missing…but what?" she wondered aloud.

"You lost," Chloe whispered in Aubrey's ear, her arms sneaking around her girlfriend's waist.

"What?" the blonde looked up from the fridge where she was putting away groceries.

"Come." Chloe took her hand and led her to the living room.

Beca was sprawled on the couch, pc on her lap and the puppy leaning his head against her thigh. She stopped the music playing. "Better?"

Carl barked.

"Thanks dude."

"Beca, what are you doing?"

The DJ looked away from her pc. "Working," she answered Aubrey.

"And talking to a dog," the blonde added.

"Dude is an awesome critic. Better than most people. If something is good, he barks. If it sucks, he whines."

"Are you serious?"

"Don't be mean, Bree." Carl barked at Beca's words. "See, he agrees with me."

"He's a dog," Aubrey emphasized the last part.

"He's smart," she defended the animal. "Look. Are you a bad dog?" Carl whined. "Do we love Aubrey?" An enthusiastic concerts of barks and yaps followed.

Aubrey tried to hold back a smile. "It's your responsibility," she started, knowing she had to concede. "You two will walk him, wash him, feed him…clear?" She looked at Chloe and Beca.

"Yes, ma'am." Beca mockingly saluted her. "Come on, dude." She stood up, walking towards the door.

"His name is Carl," Chloe called after her.


"We need to stop Beca," Chloe announced at Aubrey.


"Beca walking Carl."

Aubrey frowned at Chloe's words. She was the one who had demanded that they take care of the dog, and Beca had risen to the challenge, walking him every day, and now that it was summer, she would take him to the park where she would sit under a tree and work on her mixes there.

"I went to the park to have lunch with her…in an hour she was hit on by five different people," Chloe burst out.

"You saw that too!" Aubrey was relieved.

"You knew?" Chloe's tone was accusing.

"I didn't want you to think I was exaggerating." The blonde looked down, aware that her jealous streak was more pronounced than her girlfriends' and that it had caused problems in the past.

"Oh, Bree," Chloe exclaimed sweetly, hugging her. "But we still need to find a solution," she added, seriously. "Beca is obvious and she thinks they just like Carl, but another day like today and I won't be responsible for my actions."


"Are you okay?" Beca looked at Aubrey with a mix of suspect and worry. "Because I clearly remember you fighting tooth and nail against keeping the little dude."

"Carl," Chloe muttered to herself, knowing it was a lost cause, while Aubrey rolled her eyes at her girlfriend's exaggeration.

"And now you want to get another dog?" Beca continued.

"Just thought it would be good getting him some company." Aubrey shrugged.

"Maybe you should stay here," Chloe suggested as they got out of the car.

"Why?" Beca frowned.

"I know we brought Carl so we could choose a dog he gets along with, but maybe we should ask if it's okay to bring him inside, wouldn't want to rile up the other dogs." Aubrey explained.

"Okay." Beca agreed. "We'll just stretch our legs a bit, right dude?"

"Good, we'll come get you if they give us the okay."

"Welcome and good morning, how can we help you?" a young man greeted them.

"Good morning, we'd like to purchase a dog," Aubrey said, with Chloe nodding behind her.

"You're in the right place, then." He smiled. "Do you already have an idea?"

"Yes. Do you have already trained dogs?"

"No, but we have an arrangement with a training school. What are you looking for?" he asked.

"Any breed can be trained to guard? Because we already have a dog, we brought him with because we want to chose one who'd get along with him," Aubrey enquired.

"I can show you what we have that could make a good watchdog, and then you can bring him in to make acquaintances and make your choice. Can I ask what the dog should guard? Some breeds are better for house guarding, others if it's for a baby or children…"

"What about girlfriends?"

fandom: pitch perfect, fanfiction, pairing: beca/aubrey/chloe, rating: pg, triple treble, lenght: 1000+

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