Pitch Perfect

Mar 02, 2013 16:26

Fandom: Pitch Perfect
Rating: PG
Length: ± 600
Disclaimer: nothing is mine.
A.N. English is not my first language. Thanks to slacker_d, for the help

Tumblr prompt: Chloe thinks Aubrey has a crush on beca. Even though aubrey won't admit it, chloe tries to get it out of her

“You know,” Chloe interrupted Aubrey’s rant. “With how much you talk about Beca, you’d think you have a crush on her.”

Aubrey looked at Chloe wide-eyed. “That doesn’t even deserve a response.” She stormed into her room.


“She can’t miss practice!” Aubrey put her music sheets away angrily.

“Or you miss her too much,” Chloe muttered.

“What?” the blonde turned around, glaring at her best friend.

“Nothing. I mean, she wasn’t the only one missing, you know,” Chloe noted. “It always happens, sooner or later.”

“We can’t afford it, okay?” Aubrey turned away. “She can’t miss practice.”

“Are you admitting that we need her?”

“What?” Aubrey looked at a smug Chloe. “Of course not! She is going to fall behind and mess everything up!”

“Well, why don’t you give her some extra practices, just you and her?” Chloe suggested with a smirk. “You know, some one on one time.”


“Hot, uh?”

“What?” Aubrey blinked at Chloe’s voice.

“Beca rapping. Hot.” The redhead fanned herself with her hand.

“Chloe!” Aubrey looked shocked.

“You were drooling.”

“I wasn’t!” Aubrey protested vehemently. “I was merely…”

“Turned on? Fantasizing about being in a hot tub with Beca, completely naked? Thinking about Beca going down on you?”

"Appalled at her song’s choice!” Aubrey interrupted her, face flushing violently.

“Sure.” Chloe smirked at her.


“I can’t believe it!” Aubrey exclaimed once they returned to their room after leaving Beca’s.

“So stupid!” Chloe agreed.


“Getting arrested,” Chloe continued.

“Well, that was an accident.” Aubrey defended Beca.

“But getting into a fight.”

“That guy could have hurt her,” the blonde pointed out.

“It was dangerous.”


“And reckless,” Chloe persisted.

“Yes.” Aubrey nodded.

“And stupid.”


“And for that Jesse guy!”

“Exactly!” Aubrey exclaimed.

“But it was so hot!”

“Yes! I mean, what?”


Chloe looked at Beca practicing the dance routing with Stacie. The younger girl was becoming a pretty decent dancer. And she definitely had some sexy moves. And that tank top displayed her assets in a delightful way. She glanced at her best friend, enthralled by the DJ.

“You’re staring,” she whispered into Aubrey’s ear.

Aubrey startled, looked at her, before turning away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“You crush says hey,” Chloe announced returning from a coffee with Beca.

“Really?” Aubrey perked up from her hunched position over books, before realizing what she did. “I mean, I don’t have a crush.”


“Don’t worry.” Chloe slid up next to Aubrey, who was standing against the wall, glaring at Beca and Jesse.

“What?” the blonde snapped.

“There is nothing going on between them. And there will never be.”

“Sure.” Aubrey muttered bitterly.

“Beca told me that she only sees him as a friend. And I believe her. She has no romantic interest in him.”


Chloe looked at Aubrey, surprised.

“She took an oath; I’d have to expel her.”

The ginger glanced up as if looking for strength. "Naturally."

“What?” Aubrey looked at her confused.

“Nothing. Is it really all about the Bellas?” Chloe asked, looking straight into Aubrey’s eyes.

“Of course. What else?” the blonde looked away.

“There is no rule about dating, right, as long as they are not Trebles?”

“You know there aren’t. You’re the co-captain,” Aubrey huffed.

“So a Bella can date another Bella.” Chloe bit her lips.

“I suppose so…” Aubrey said, tone uncertain and cautious. “Not that I ever thought about it.”

“I’m sure.” Chloe rolled her eyes. Then she started to walk away, a smirk on her lips.

“Where are you going?” Aubrey called after her.

“To ask Beca on a date!” Chloe yelled over her shoulders.


I’m always looking for prompts, especially Pitch Perfect ones…Mitchsen, Bechloe or TT…I write mostly fluff, so keep it in mind.
Thank you for reading! If you want, leave a review!

lenght: 500+, fanfiction, pairing: beca/chloe, rating: pg, mitchsen, triple treble, bechloe, fandom: pitch perfect, pairing: beca/aubrey/chloe, pairing: beca/aubrey

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