Spiral bone crochet hook and dinner woes

Feb 28, 2006 05:43

I finally recieved my crochet hook from Barbados http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8249336616

Only its not a size 2-3 (US or UK). Its 5mm according my gauge tool which would make it a US 8 or a UK 6. Quite a bit of a difference. But that actually works out better as Im more likely to use that size than a 2-3. In fact Im using to crochet a bag Im going to felt.

Its a beautiful old hook. I'll post pics of it later.

In other news, dinner last night was an adventure. We tried a new restaurant, the Harvest something. Kinda slightly more upscale than Denny's but not quite approaching Elsie's (which is like Appleby's used to be before their prices skyrocketed and they got all fancy with the menu). Everything on the main entree menu was breaded, except the grilled halibut and the teriyaki stir fry. As I"d already had my alotment of breaded food and I didnt want any more, I decided to go with the grilled halibut. It arrived on my table......breaded.

How do you grill breaded halibut?

She offered to take it back and get me somethign else. I'd already gone way over my recommended beef intake and I wasn't in the mood for teriyaki stir fry. I almost said never mind I don't want anything. Then I decided on a shrimp spinach salad. She comes back to tell me they can't find the Spinach (though we overhear a few minutes later someone saying they found the spinach). By this point mom has long ago recieved her shrimp louie and its huge and she is not goign to be eating all of it. So I just say never mind about getting me anything, I'll eat the rest of mothers.

and it was good.....til I got home. Then my stomach decided to be bulimic. I didn't have a stomach ache. I felt fine. Just one minute I started coughing and realized I'd better run to the bathroom. Other than the trauma of the purging, I felt fine when all was done. No headache, no stomach ache, no rashes, no fever, no nothing. But mom asked last night and again this morning if she thought I might be all of a sudden be allergic to shrimp. Which can happen. But other than my body deciding it didnt want dinner anymore, I'm fine. And it may have nothign to do with the shrimp. I'm still a little congested and maybe the coughing fit just triggered something. Or as mother pointed out, maybe there was just too much of the congestion gunk in my stomach and the shrimp was in the wrong place as the wrong time.

What is really odd is that I'm not hungry this morning. Technically, as far as my stomach is concerned, I haven't eaten since about 10am yesterday. I think I had a small handful of Reese's Pieces before I went to bed. Mother finds this very odd as she knows how my stomach is and is used to my eating habits. I should be starving. I bougth some beef stew at the grocery store but I've only eaten a few bites. I'm just not hungry. Planning on getting a humbow for lunch, but if I'm not hungry by then either *shrug* I'll wait another day before I start wondering.

food, ridge stitch bag, crochet

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