I'm back in Seattle

Nov 09, 2005 12:36

but having a really hard time saying I'm home.

While it was nice to sleep in my bed in a quiet room where I could wall off the rest of humanity and be in total pitch dark (yes, I would be happy sleeping in a tomb, thank you...just make sure there is a ceiling fan), that was as close as I got to feeling like I was home. I commented to
flamewing that I didn't feel the "magic" in Atlanta like I do in Seattle. And clarified that I meant Disney-like "magic" and not "magick". Seattle holds a sense of wonder for me that Atlanta didn't. But Atlanta also reminded me a LOT of Northern NY where I was born and honestly, parts of it did fascinate me. I guess I'm an East Coast girl at heart. I didn't want to return to Seattle. I REALLY didn't want to return to Seattle. I cried on the plane while we were waiting to taxi to the runway. too much time to think while we waited for a maintenance issue to be resolved.

Inside I feel like I carry this past trip inside of me and I'm not so very far from my friends. I think that is the only thing that keeps me from disolving into tears at any given moment. But sitting here in my office in Seattle, I just don't feel like this is where I am supposed to be. Even the car ride was rather depressing. I think I'll miss Seattle when I move, but not as strongly as Im currently missing the East coast. Now its just a matter of counting time until my next trip. I think my whole life has disolved into two parts. East coast trip and time between trips.

I wish I could have visited Atlanta in the middle of summer, so I could see for sure if I could handle that. But my last trip to Tallahasse had a layover in Atlanta and Northern Florida seems to be similar to Georgia, so I'm pretty sure I can handle the humidity and I did ok with the heat. Not the hottest it gets, true, but at least I know I can handle some of it. In fact the humidity actually helped. I think its dry heat I can't stand. In fact thinking of the dry heat I dealt with in California makes me go "blegh!" but the memory of the wet heat in Tallahassee last trip is just *shrug*. I know it gets hotter though. Oh well, we shall see.

Next trip is January to Tampa where I get to see my dad, his mother and her second husband (oh joy) and hopefully some online friends I've been chatting with for a few years now. I don't think Tampa is going to have the trees I like, but the visit should be all sorts of interesting..and hopefully I can throw some fun in there somewhere.

tampa, atlanta

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