January 05, 2011 - After School

Jan 05, 2011 20:48

Wow, I finally showed my old social studies teachers the video that I made for them. They loved it and also they had so many other social studies teachers around. It was based off of a history song called, Wind of Change - Scorpions. There was Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Smith, Mr. McDowell, Mr. Taneous, and another teacher I didn't really know (never had him before). They told me they enjoyed the video and I was so excited and bashful, I could barely speak straight. Hehehe. Anyway, they even got a glimpse of one of my drawings and future anime hit. I sure hope that they liked it so much.

Yesterday was horrible, my menstrual started and I was in so much pain. I wasn't able to go to school, so I spent from 7:05 am - 2:45 pm. Yes, I tend to sleep a lot when my menstrual starts, and I have so much pain that I can barely walk. So, I spent that whole day in pain and in bed. I'm just glad that it isn't my first day anymore. Thank the lord.

I have got to start playing Kingdom Hearts again. I am roleplaying and so far I am brain-dead do to my lack of video gaming. So, Friday after school I am going to stay up all night playing video games. Hopefully, I don't get yelled at by my dad about accidentally leaving the tv on. *mumbles* butt-face.

I can't wait for what's in store for tomorrow. Also, I finished a test today on the Freakonomics book for Econ, and we don't have to read the book anymore. I'm so happy! Hehehe. I always hated worrying about the quizzes and failing because of not reading or failing the tests. So now, I just have to worry about the Final for that class. I will be sure to come back tomorrow with a new blog to comment.

See you guys. - Kiara.

scorpions, freakonomics, video editting, school, winds of change, drawings, kingdom hearts

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