(no subject)

Sep 04, 2011 21:07

Coming to Fairy Tail

Fae doesn't know where she was headed, but all she know that she wasn't going back to her old town. She thought if she went back there so many memories would appear. Like her mother, Father, Brother, and Ur. It was too much for her so all she mostly did was walk around her whole life. She then saw a sign that said Magnolia. She thought to herself what kind of city was in store for her this time. She walk past the sign as she continued to walk deeper into Magnolia. Fae looks around as she was amazed at the place. Fae then says to herself " wow looks pretty fun here...And its going to get even better now that Im here." as she runs to an edge where a river flowed as she looks at her reflection in the river. Fae smiles at herself as she stepped down as there was people staring at her as one of them said " Please dont fall young lady." as Fae responded back " Don't worry, I won't. "

Fae started to walk again as she bumped into somebody and said " Hey EXCUSE ME." as she wipes herself off trying to be a little bit cool. Fae then looked up as she saw a familiar face as that guy said to her " Oh you're the one who bumped into me." as he looks at Fae and added " F...Fae." as she looked a bit confused and said " umm yeahh how do you know my name?" The Guy smiles at her and said back " Im Gray, remember me!." as Fae smiles and said " Ohh yeahh I knew something was familiar about you." as she crosses her arm. Gray laughs a bit and said " Yeah okay stop trying to act cool." as she laughs and gives him a huge hug out of the blue. As she yells " Gray." as Gray hugs Fae back.

Fae then starts to tear up a bit. Gray then pulls her off and said " Hey why the tears?" as she laughs a bit and said " oh its nothing, i just missed you so much. I always wondering where  you were and if you were okay. Also Lyon as well...Wait where's Lyon?" as she looks around trying to see if he was around.  Gray smiles and said " Hey don't worry, he's not here, but i saw him not to long ago." Fae looks at Gray and said " wait don't tell me you guys are still fighting." Gray sighs and said  "well its something like that." Fae mocks on his sigh and said " hey you guys are suppose to be acting like brother, well thats what Ur would want right?" Gray looks down with a sad face as Fae puts her hands in back of her as Fae said " whats wrong?" Gray shakes his head and said " Its nothing i'll tell you later, but anyways why are you here?" Fae smiles and said " I was about to ask you the same question." Gray smiles and responded " Well i work around here." Fae looks at him and said " annnd? As a what?" Gray scratches his head and said " I work in a guild." Fae opens her eyes and said " For real?! I was looking for a guild to join, but they seem so secret that I didn't find anybody who is in a Guild." as she didn't even stop to take a breathe as she wanted to keep on talking. Gray chuckles a bit and said " Hey take a break when you talk okay." Fae smiles and said " Sorry I'm just used to talking like that." Gray smiles and said " Well if you want i can show you my master and see if he would take you in or not." Fae smiles as she crosses her feet and puts her hands on her hips and said " Really?! Even though I know he would take me in, because I'm adorable and who would ever resist this face." as Fae jokes around a bit.

Gray smiles and said " great then, follow me then." as Gray started to walk with Fae to the Fairy Tail guild. Fae then follows next to him and said " So how you been? " Gray looks at her said " I'm fine.How you been?" Fae smiles and looks up to the sky and said " Im great I just been traveling to city to city and personally I think this is the best looking city i've been in." Fae smiles and looks back at Gray. Gray smiles at her and looks around as he thought to himself ' wow she got in cutier and even what  I didn't expect. ' Gray then stops in his track and said " Well here is the guild, Fairy Tail." Fae looks at him shockingly and said " SHUT UP!." Gray looks at her weird and said " What?" Fae then looks at Gray and said " Fairy Tail! I heard about this guild and been searching everywhere."  Gray responded back " really? It didn't really take me that look to find it." Fae smiles and said " well then hurrry up and let me in." Fae started to get super happy and excited and just hyper as always.

Gray laughs and then walks in as he opens the door and Fae felt that something magical was going to come out of it, but nothing happen except Natsu dancing on the table. Gray covers Fae's eyes as he said " Natsu you squinty eyes." Fae then laughs as she pulls gray hand away from her face. Gray rolls his eyes as he takes your hand and made Fae follow him to the master. Fae thought in her head ' H..He is holding my hand. ' as she blushes a bit and then tries to stay calm as she thought he gotten cutier. gray then speaks and said " Master, someone is here to speak to you." The Master spoke back " Okay just a moment I need to use the bathroom." Gray laughs a bit. Fae then thought to herself 'why is he still holding my hand.' as she moves her hand away and blushes a bit as she looks away from him and looks at everyone else.

Tricity then went up to Fae to introduce herself " Hey, i'm Tricity." as Tricity stretched her hand out for Fae to shake. Fae smiles and said " The one and only Fae Underwood." as she made a cute pose and then shakes Tricity's hand and added " It's Very nice to meet you Tricity." Tricity laughs lightly, and says, "Nice to meet you too, Fae. Are you here to join Fairy Tail? Or request a job for us?" Fae claps her hand and smiles widely and responded " Im actually going to join the guild. I was looking for this guild since I was very small. And before you ask why is because, Fairy Tail is my dream guild and my mom use to tell me stories about the guild. Also she named me after Fairy which is Fae, and..."Gray puts his head down and interrupted her long story since Gray knew  Fae would talk for hours, as he says " Well You found it!." Tricity smiled at this and gave a nod as she said, "I'm sure Grandpa will allow you to join. Maybe we can go on a job together? It'll give me some time away from a certain friend of mine." Fae smiles and said " I would love to go for a job maybe even if he lets me join we can go immediately." Tricity smiles and nods as she says, "Great! After you join, you should introduce yourself to others. Are you going to help her make friends Gray?" Gray chuckles a bit and said " well I think she knows how to make friends herself. I'm just showing her to the master then i'm leaving on a job." Tricity nods and says, "Well, good luck, Fae. I can't wait to hang out with you later." Fae smiles as Tricity walks away.

The Master came out as he smiles and goes on top of the table as he said " Oh, a newcomer who would like to join Fairy Tail, am I right?" Fae smiles and said " Yes I would love join. Being in Fairy Tail was my dream when I was a little girl. My mom used to train me every single day just to get in this guild." The Master nods his head and said " alright, so what kind of Mage you are?" Fae then says back " I'm actually a Ice mage just like Gray." as Fae smiles and The Master responded " Oh so you already know Gray?" Fae nods her head and said " Yup we are childhood's friends." The Master nods his head and said  "Oh then I know you are already perfect for the guild if you are Gray friend from the past. You know Gray learned alot when he came to Fairy Tail when he was just so little. We gave him a home." Fae smiles and looks at Gray as she says " Im glad to hear that Gray found a home. We did trained together when we were little and he was always so cocky that he could beat me." as Fae giggles and added " So do you think I can Join this family?" The Master then said " Well I dunno my instincts are telling me..." Fae thought we was going to say no as she puts her head down a bit as the Master continues " I should let you join this family." Fae looks up with a big smile and yellls "Yaaayyyyy!" As Fae jumps in the air holding Gray's hand as she continued to jump Happily.

Meeting the Fairy's

In the Fairy Tail Guild Building...

'WOAHHHHHHH." Fae was jumping all over the place in joyness as the Master already left to go speak to the council's about the damage Natsu made. Gray looks at her and trys to get Fae's attention " Hey...Fae..." as everyone was looking at her weird. Gray then Yelled "FAE!." Fae stopped jumping as she looks at Gray and said " Yeahh." Gray whispers to her " Everyone is looking at you."  Fae looks at everyone and smiles as she was slight embarrassed and said under her breathe " oops." as she waves a little and looks back at Gray and said " Wow how embarassing." Gray smiles and said " It's alright the energy you got is what you would need in this guild mostly. Fae smiles and said " Okay well I'm going too introduce myself to everyone." Gray nods his head and said " alright go ahead." Fae smiles and steps on a table as she yells " Hello everyone!" Gray opens his eyes widely as he grabs her arms as Fae bent down a bit and said " What?" as Gray said " Don't do that, why don't you go over to them and introduce yourself to each and one of them." Fae rolls her eyes and said " Thats going to take long." as she whines a bit and Gray said " Yeah you should just stick to my idea for you don't need to fall." Fae nods her head and said " Okay.." As she got down the table and added " Alright then i'll meet them individually." as Fae dust her skirt off a bit and smiles at everyone.

Fae started to walk to a person as she thought to herself ' okay well here's go nothing. and why is he standing like that it's bothering me...' as Fae smiles and said " Hi my name is Fae." as she stretches her hand out f or him to grab. " Im Natsu." as Natsu sakes her hand and gave a wide smile as a blue looking cat pops up from behind him and said " Aye I'm Happy." Fae back away a bit as she did not know a cat was going to pop up. Fae then smiles and said " Aw its a blue cat how cute!." as Fae rubs Happy's ears for a minute and then back away and said " Well its nice too meet you Natsu and Happy."  Natsu nods his head and said " Oh by the way just to let you know Happy and I are the best mages here." as he points to himself proudly with a smile. Fae laughs and said " Yeahhhhhh okay, thanks for you know taking care of my spot here of the best mage, but im here now so no need for you to do so anymore." as she smiles. Natsu laughs and said " Are you trying to pick a fight with me now?" Fae looks at Natsu and said " No, im not im just telling you." as she smiles and added " Anyways Im going to meet another person now." as she walks away and waves good-bye to him. Natsu laughs and said " hey wait come back here and fight me if you think your the best." Fae laughs and smiles and said " Maybe later Natsu." as Fae winks at him and walks towards somebody else.

Lucy rolls her eyes as she thought to herself ' Wow Natsu already wants to fight with the new girl.' Fae walks to her as Lucy thought ' oh I guess im next to meet her.' Lucy smiles as she sees Fae walking towards her. Fae stops at her tracks as she smiles at the girl and said " Hi, Im Fae." Lucy smiles as she said " Im Lucy. Nice to meet you." as Lucy waved at Fae and Fae waves back and said to Lucy " Its nice to meet you Lucy. So what kind of mage are you?" as Fae was curious since Fae thought she looked like a ordinary human. Lucy smiles and said " Im a Spirit Mage." Fae smiles and said " Wow really?! thats cool. I never met a celestial spirit mage, Maybe you can show me your spirits when im done talking to everyone." Lucy smiles and said " Sure im glad to show you later. So what are you?" Fae smiles and said " Oh im a Ice mage." Lucy nods her head and said " oh just like Gray." Fae smiles as she nods her head as well and said " yeah, but twice as better then him." Lucy laughs and said " Great confidence, I wish i can have that much confidence in me." as Lucy pouts a bit and Fae says " oh girl now that im here i'll show you how to be confident in yourself because when your going out in for a job your going to need confident to successed you job. Like my mom would always tells me 'confident is what you need to successed.' " Fae smiles at Lucy. Lucy then said " okay thanks. " Fae smiles and said " well I love to stay and chat but I still need half the guild to talk too." as Fae giggles and Lucy says " Alright then I'll talk to you later."

Fae started to walk away and thought to herself ' Maybe its easier to get on the table and introduce myself. Ugh there are alot of people here though.' Fae smiles and walks to another person as she introduced herself " Hey im Fae, the newcomer." The guy looks at her as he rolled his eyes as he was sitting on a chair putting his feet on the table as he then looks at her as he said " Im Gajeel, nice to meet you and bye-bye now." Fae looks at him and said " Hey mister, you aint going to have that many friends if you act like that especially if you trying to find a girlfriend." as Fae sticks her tounge out at him. Gajeel stands up and said " Look, I never said I want friends or a girlfriend." as Gajeel crosses his arm and Fae says " Your eyes says it all." Fae smiles and walks away from him.

Fae then thought in her head ' what a jerk ughh.' She then walked towards some else and introduced herself to them. "Hey im Fae." As they introduced themselves back " Hi, Im Wendy." as the other girl said " Im Mirajane, and thats Elfman." as Mirajane pointed to Elfman and he waves to Fae. Fae smiles as she nods her head and said " Nice to meet you all, but im trying to introduce myself fast too everyone so I can go on a job." Mirajane then says to Fae " Okay well its very nice to meet you and hope you like it here in Fairy Tail." as Mirajane smiles gives a warm smile to Fae. Fae smiles back as she walks away waving.

Fae then started to walk around meeting everyone which took her about 3 hours, since she kept talking mostly. The only person Fae didn't meet is Erza, which she was out on a job.

First Job
One month later...

Fae thought she should go on her job since she hasn't been on one since she was a bit nervous, but today was the day for her. She looked at the board, looking at the jobs. She thinks real hard as she choose a job. "Finally!" She looked back to see who said that but she had a feeling who it was. Natsu runs towards her and said " That took you a month to find a job." Fae looks at him holding the paper as she said " Hey, I was Nervous." as she walks away from him and sat on a table. Natsu followed as he said " So would you like to do your first job with me?" Gray looks at Natsu and Fae as he walked to them and said " No you should go with me for your first job." Fae shakes her head and said " Sorry boys, but I think I would like to go on a job with Tricity first, besides Gray I want to bond with everyone before we go on a job together." Gray nods his head and said " Okay, then I'm leaving to go on my job." Gray then left. Natsu then said, " Maybe we can go on a job together next." Fae nods her head and said " I promise, but one thing why do you stand like that!" Natsu looked at himself and said " Like what?" Fae says " Like that." as she points at his back. "Thats how I stand." Natsu replied back to her. Fae then responded " Its annoying me though so stop standing like you always do."

Natsu rolled his eyes as he thought in his head 'I think she is going to be just like Gray. Pain in the Bootie.' as he sighs and walks away to go hang with somebody else. Fae then walks over to Tricity as she said " Hey would you like to go on my first job with me?" Tricity smiles and said " Sure, I never thought you would choose me to go on a job first." Tricity stands up and looked at Wendy and said " Would you like to come Wendy?" Wendy smiles and said " Yeah." Fae smiles and said " Oh yeahh it'll be like a girl night out beating some bad people's butt day." as Fae giggles a bit. Fae then added " Let's go then, plus its not that really hard." as Fae walks to the door and Tricity and Wendy followed.

As they were walking t o Fae first job Tricity asked " So Fae what kind of job you picked?" Fae walks next to Tricity and said " Well I picked the easiest job for me before I start a harder one. This Job is..." As Fae ran to the building and said "Modeling!" Tricity and Wendy looked at eachother and blinked a couple of times as Wendy said " Um..I don't think im that good." Fae bends down to Wendy and said " Don't worry, I bet your going to be the best out of us three." Fae then gets up as she enters the building with the girls. Fae looks around to see if anybody was around, but she saw nobody. Fae looks at Tricity and Wendy saying " Um. Girls I dont think were going to be modeling today." As Fae thought there was something up in this building. She thought to herself 'Where is everyone?' Fae then looks at the paper that she grabbed from the desk top in front of her as she read out loud " Ladies who came to do the job, this isn't any job that you strut down the aisle. This job is going all the way to the top of the building on to the roof to help the hostages I have kept since who knows when. You have an entire week to save them if not, their ALL dead." Fae looks at Tricity and Wendy as Fae said " Okay, good thing we came before the week huh?"

Fae then said " Follow me." as she walks outside and looks all the way to the top of the building. Tricity looked up and said " That must be thousands of feet high." as she puts her hand up to cover her eyes from the sun. Fae look back down and said " Well the only way we can do is take the elevator." Fae, Tricity and Wendy walked back in the building as Fae pressed the elevator button. The elevator opened as sharp objects flew out of it. Fae quickly bent backwards and Wendy and Tricity but there backs towards the wall. Fae got up and said " Woah! What kind of modeling is this?" as Fae looked at the elevator and saw there wasnt even an elevator there. Just a hole. Tricity then said " This is really starting to get weird." Wendy thought for a while and said " Girls, I think I know what this job is about." Tricity then looked at Wendy and said " What is it?" Wendy then told them " This job is called Modeling because the only way we can get through all the obstacles is by modeling, because we just did a modeling pose." Tricity and Fae looked at eachother as they said " Ohh." Tricity then said " Your right, but how do we get up the roof if we don't have an elevator."

Wendy thought a bit as she looks around the place and said " Lets open the doors over there, but becareful something might be through those doors." Fae nods and said " wahhh why did I pick this job?!" as she complained and Tricity said " Well we can't back down now Fae, Come on." as Tricity leads the way now. Tricity tries to open the door as it didn't open. Fae then said "Okay girls kick with your right leg on three. One..." Tricity then said " Two..." and then Wendy was the final " THREE!" as they all kicked it open and spiders came crawling out. Wendy then said " Eww." Fae walks in slowly as she looks around as it was just a door to the upstairs. Fae then said " Alright lets go!" as she ranned upstairs and Wendy and Tricity as well. They kept going as they thought it was never going to end. They stopped for a breathe and Tricity then said " Wow this is a work-out alright." Fae thought what she said and told them " Thats right! This person is trying to get us in shape to be a model." Tricity looks at Fae and said" So everything were doing is about modeling." Fae then yelled " Come on! Im already looking good to model."

As a rope fell from all the way from the top of the stairs. Fae looks at it then back at Tricity as Fae shrugs and was about to grab it but Tricity quickly said " No!" as Fae pulled on the rope and a huge brick fell with the rope. Fae moved her hand quick as she looks at it fall. Then all three looked down holding the railing, until the railing fell and all three fell as Fae hold on to the ledge and Tricity hold on to Fae and Wendy holding on to Tricity. Fae then said "OMG you guys are heavy." Fae then tried to pull herself up and said "Wendy, try to climb up." Wendy looks down as she saw something coming up from the bottom. She climbed quickly as she said "I wish Charle was here." as she got to the top. Wendy then said quickly "Hurry guys something is coming from the bottom." as she grabbed Tricity's hand pulling her up. Then Fae climbed up and laid down as 10 arrows shot up from the bottom of the building. The girls look as they took a breath and Fae said "Great." as she got up and dust herself off.
Tricity then got up as she looks around and said “This is going to be tougher then I thought.” Tricity then looks around and said “Let’s keep going for we can save the people.” Everyone then started to walk up the stairs, but they were very cautious since they all think one of the stairs will be a hole for a trap. After a couple of traps they went through, but dangerous ones they finally made it. There was a door that lead to the roof as the girls all looked at each other and Fae said “ I think I gotten some muscles.” As she flexes her arms and laughs a bit. The girls got prepared as they then open the doors. The girls saw all the models tied up with tape on their mouths and didn’t see anybody else.
Wendy ran to the girls as she saw them trying to scream. Wendy then took the tape off a girl as Fae and Tricity was looking around to see if anybody was there. Wendy then said to one of the girl “who did this?” as the girl said loudly “LOOK IN BACK OF YOU!” as Wendy look back and a guy grabbed her by her feet. Wendy was hanging from the top of the crowbar. A guy was laughing as she was hiding. Tricity yelled “Wendy!” as She got mad and electricity was coming out of her. She grabbed one crowbar and lite it up. Wendy screamed as she felt the pain of the electricity go through her. Tricity stopped as she gasped and said “ Im sorry, Wendy.” Fae looks around as the guy was to fast. She took a breath as she looks around again and slowling him down with her mind. Fae then yelled to Tricity “ Help Wendy, I go this guy.” Tricity looked at Fae as Tricity then ranned to Wendy as she was tryign to take the knot out. Fae then yelled “ICE- MAKE SLIDE!” As Fae made a slide for the models to get down to the bottom of the building as she then quickly said afterwards “ICE-MAKE ISCICLE!” as she cut their ropes and Fae said to them “ Slide down and hide.” As the models started to run and slide down together.
Fae then ranned to Wendy as she cut the rope with her isicle as Tricity grabbed her. Fae then smiles at the girls and said “Ready?” The guy that they were fighting yelled “HOW DID YOU MOVE SO QUICK!.” The guy started to run again as Fae said to the girls “Don’t let your mind fool you. Slow him down yourself.” As Fae ranned towards him yelling “ICE-MAKE SNAKE!” as she threw it to the guy to make him come out. The snake grabbed him by the feet. When the man fell flat, the room was filled with laughter and clapping, as they all looked around for the source. Wendy looked up and said, pointing up at the roof, "Up there!"
They all looked to see a man with shaggy, short black hair and a pair of devilish red eyes. The man on the floor looked up and gasped in fear, "Hiro! What are you doing here?!" The young male looked down at the three girls and said, "You three are very amusing, I'll give you both that." Fae looks at the man as she blew her finger nails and said " Well thank you, but your plans are over now." Hiro blinked and then laughed at her as he then said, "My, my. I am not the master of these plans. I'm just here to enjoy the show."Tricity looks at him confused and said " Well then you should be leaving then." Hiro looked to her and then grinned widely, as he said, "I don't think so, sweetheart. You humans are so fascinating. Always coming to conclusions without thinking things through."Fae puts her hands on her hips and said " Oh humans now...Now your calling us names." as she sticks her tounge out at him and added " Do you want some of  this now?"
Hiro laughed and then said, "No, no. You are human, right? So, why would it be so insulting?" Fae rolls her eyes and said " No...Were spirits." as she tried to be sarcastic. The man on the floor was going to get up as Tricity just kicked him back down. Hiro smirked and then said, "Well, than this will be a new trait of mine, then. I can see spirits." He looked to the little girl and pointed at her as he said, "You! You're a Dragon Slayer, aren't you?"Fae looks at him stupidly and said " I was being sarcastic duhh." Tricity looks at Fae and said " Uhh Fae I think he know's that." Fae looks at her and said " No I don't think he didn't Tricity so play along." Wendy then saw him pointed at her and she then pointed at herself and said " Umm..." Fae looks at Wendy and said " Wendy you don't need to answer. He doesn't need to know. Lets just finish our job and go."
Hiro smiled and then said, "Oh, well you are a feisty one, aren't you? Even if you did tell me, I already knew it. I know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE."Fae looks at him and said " uh okay then why you asked Geez?!" Fae turned around as Tricity was suspious a bit but didn't say anything. Hiro laughed and then said, "I wanted to see if you were as cautious as you should be. Just like I know your names, ages, family, and childhood pasts." Fae looks back and said " okay smartie don't you see nobody cares ugh!" As Fae grabbed the guy by his shirt and dragged him. Hiro looked down at her and then said, "Well, since you were still around and responding, I suppose that I kept telling you. You should have been smart enough to walk away if you don't like what you hear." Fae looked at him and rolled her eyes and said " What ever. Come on Wendy and Tricity lets go before everyone starts to worry."  Tricity knew she should tell this to the master  since Fae as know clue what he is even talking about. As they started to walk away.
Hiro laughed at them and then yelled, waving his arm, "Au revoir!! In case you didn't know, that's good bye in French! I'll be coming by and visiting you in Fairy Tail very soon. Especially you, my little, mon amie!!"Fae looks at him disgusted and said " ugh don't insult me now." as she added " And Im sure you won't see me again, Im a busy person." as she lied a bit and did Ice-make slide as she slide down all the way to the bottom. Hiro blinked and laughed as he made sure she heard him from the bottom of the building. He jumped off and walked over to the ledge and threw his arms out and yelled, "I know you are the laziest member in that guild!" Fae didn't look back as she whistled for the Taxi to stop to take the man to the Magic council. She pushed the guy in and shut the door. She then looked at the guy and said " Well if I was Lazy I wouldn't be here now would I?!" as the girls walk away.
Hiro grinned widely and then said, flipping his phone open and said, "Well, now that they know I am around, that electric mage would tell her Master and want to meet me. Than I get to cause some more trouble. Afterall, I was the one responsible for many things." He dialed a number and then said, "Yep, I found three Fairy Tail mages and one of them is a Dragon Slayer. Got'cha. I'll be sure to get the three Dragon Slayers for ya. As long as you give me what I want in the end." He hung up the phone and smiled as he then said, "We will meet again soon, Mon amies. Sooner than you think."
Fae and and the girls went back to the fairy tail as they got there reward from the people who were kept hostage. Fae went in and said " Hey everyone, My first job was a sucess." as she jumps around as everyone clap for her. Tricity then went to the Master and explained everything that happen to them. Makarov nodded and then said, "I see... well, remember, there are places like Edolas out there, so don't be so worried, but be sure to keep an eye out. Especially with Wendy. He seems to want something from her." Fae was putting her ear at the door to see what they were talking about. She then heard that tricity was about to leave so she got up and went where Macao was at and pretended to talk to him.
Tricity walked out of the door and then looked back to Makarov and said, "He's said he was going to come pay a visit to you, as well." He nodded and said, "I'll be sure to give him the best welcome." Tricity walked out, and saw the mailman coming in and she smiled, wide, when she saw the mailman hand her a letter. She took it and walked towards her table and opened it and began to read it. Fae looks at Tricity and said "Oooh whats that?" as she smiles looking above Tricity. She tried to hide her smile, but it failed as she said, bringing the letter to her chest so Fae didn't see it, and said, "It's a letter from Lyon, of course." Wakaba laughed and then said, "Of course... With how giggly and girly she acts each time the mail man brings her a letter from her man. We would have known." Tricity looked to them and stuck her tounge out, playfully, at him and said, "That's right." Fae smiles and said grumpy " aw I need a man." Tricity smiled and said, "You do have a man, Fae. He's sitting right over there." She then pointed to Gray, who sat in his underwear again, next to Kana and Erza.
Fae looked at him and then back at Tricity and said " not officially anyways...Plus we never dated either so that means he is not my man." Tricity smiled and then said, "Oh come now. We all know you have a LOT of guts to go and ask the guy out." Fae shrugs and said " yeah, but girls are not suppose to ask a guy out. Every girl knows that." It was Tricity's turn to shrug as she then said, "Well, maybe he is having a hard time trying to say it. He did when I used to like him and we went on one date before, but it was so awkward that we agreed to stay best friends. Just give him a little bit of time."Fae looks at her with one eybrow up and said " Uh you guys never told me that." as she puts her hands on her hips and said " Well anyways I never said I will wait for him long." Tricity shrugged and then said, "Well, it was only that was one time, so we never thought it was that important. Anyway, you should throw some hints at him, you know? Laugh at his jokes even if they aren't funny, smile when he smiles, when you look at him and he looks back just look away but look back when he thinks you aren't interested, but you really are." Fae laughs and said " yeah okay." Fae walks away and went to where Natsu and Happy was at. Tricity blinked and wondered what she was going to do with Natsu, knowing she's probably going to start making fun of him or something, began to continue reading the letter.
The doors of the guild were slammed open, causing everyone to look and Tricity and Wendy's mouths opened in shock, as a hand was raised and a cheery, unfaized voice say, "Hello."Fae looks at the  the person who slammed open the door and saw it was that guy again. Fae rolled her eyes as she said loudly " What are you doing here?" as she folds her arms together. Hiro looked over and smiled as he said, "Hello mon amie! I thought you weren't going to be here? Don't tell me you really are lazy." He walked in spotted Natsu and then Gajeel, and knew that they were Dragon Slayers. He smiled and looked to Wendy and Tricity as he said, "Bonjour to you, too, mon amis." Makarov looked to him and frowned, "How may I help you? If you are here to only harrass my female guild members, then leave right now." Hiro shook his head and then said, "No, no. I am here to speak with you, of course."Fae steps forward a bit and said " No! Can't I take a rest!" She rolled her eyes and said " And if your trying to pick a fight with me just say it." Everybody in the guild was confused.
Hiro blinked and looked over to her and then shrugged, "Well, I wouldn't call it picking a fight. I'm speaking the truth and it's you who is picking the fights." Fae shrugs her shoulders and said " Okay well maybe you should just leave then before we do fight and I'll start." Hiro grinned and then said, "Come now? A little ice mage beat me in a fight? What you should do is calm that little head of yours, and let me talk to your master."Fae got angry as she took that as an insult. Natsu then breathed in and out as he knew nobody messes with his guild except him even though Fae bothers him a lot. Natsu got up and said " Hey! You don't talk to my friend like that...Or anyone in the Fairy Tail." Hiro stopped midstep, turning on his heel to look at Natsu and said, "Think it wise, Salamander, to be picking a fight with me? I have my own mouth and brain, so I use it as I can." Natsu looked at him angrily and said " Oh yeah well would you like me to shut it for you." as Master Makarov stop " Stop it this instant both of you. And you follow me."
Hiro grinned and turned around, ignoring Natsu, and back to the Master and then said, "Great! You lead I follow." Makarov then closed the door behind him as Fae rolled her eyes and said " thanks Natsu." Natsu smiles and said " Hey nobody messes with anybody in faiy tail." Fae smiles and nods her head and said " yeah." as Fae hugs Natsu and said " I'll try to be more nice." as She then pushes Natsu away and left. Natsu looks at her as he said " Hey not rough." as he walks back.
Tricity watched as Hiro walked to Makarov's office and she had a bad feeling about that guy being here. She didn't like it. Tricity grabbed the letter and then got up as she then said, "Well, I have enough for today's rent, so no need to worry." She went over to Wendy and told her, "Hey Wendy. I'm heading out to pay the bill and I'm gonna head home, 'kay?" The 12 year old nodded and said, "Alright."
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