Are you fucking kidding me? :D

Jan 05, 2012 14:15

I'm... excited. Wary? But still excited. Jesus, seriously? These guys should unite with Simon Pegg so that the British could take over the ship. :DDD

OMG, who's next? Matt Smith? Katie McGrath? Just think about it -- we could have a freaking amazing crossover fest! XDDD

what?, not writing, you've got to be kidding me, star trek xi

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nahara January 5 2012, 15:40:22 UTC
Bah! I love Benedict. It makes my heart glad to see him doing so well in the world of acting. I feel rather protective of him, as I remember noticing him from way back, always as a brilliant character actor (never usually the lead) like Starter for Ten, Amazing Grace and Atonement. And then of course there was the stunning Stuart: A Life Backwards. <3 He has always been on my radar. And now look at him!

I think he'd make a great Vulcan, with that bone-structure of his. Definitely not Khaaaaaaaaaaaaan! (I read somewhere that JJ was courting Benicio del Toro for that role). I really curious who he's going to play...


kianspo January 5 2012, 16:37:11 UTC
Actually, he might be Khan, as scary a thought as that is. Del Toro is out, it was announced some time ago, so at this point, I'm afraid anything goes. they did say BC will be playing the villain.


nahara January 5 2012, 16:43:32 UTC
Hahaha, oh man. I'm always so behind the times. Completely oblivious. I think Benedict could be a good bady, but Khan? Not sure... my mind is boggling. I'm keeping the faith, though. Roll on 2013!


kianspo January 5 2012, 16:46:03 UTC
Honestly? I'd rather they left Khan bloody well alone completely. I'm really fed up with recycled plots. But something tells me I shouldn't be overly optimistic...


(The comment has been removed)

kianspo January 6 2012, 16:57:34 UTC

Okay then.


rae1013 January 5 2012, 17:36:59 UTC
Now i totally want BC to play Stonn.


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