Are you fucking kidding me? :D

Jan 05, 2012 14:15

I'm... excited. Wary? But still excited. Jesus, seriously? These guys should unite with Simon Pegg so that the British could take over the ship. :DDD

OMG, who's next? Matt Smith? Katie McGrath? Just think about it -- we could have a freaking amazing crossover fest! XDDD

what?, not writing, you've got to be kidding me, star trek xi

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merkuria January 5 2012, 10:55:39 UTC
I am past the squeeing stage but still have a grin on my face. Do want!

And I think BC will make it harder for Pine to shine as brightly as in the first film. I think him a far better actor than Quinto. *hides*


kianspo January 5 2012, 11:53:59 UTC
Well, I still can't wrap my mind around it, mostly because they're like two completely different worlds for me and now they're crossing... dunno to what end. :)

Haha. Well, I haven't seen him in anything but Sherlock (in which he is, admittedly, brilliant), so I'll reserve my judgment for now. ;) I can say this, though. For the kind of Kirk that JJ has painted, Pine is pretty much perfect. Whether or not he can handle more depth remains to be seen -- and I'm saying this as someone who saw Unstoppable, Princess' Diaries, Carriers, Blind Date and the lot.

As for Quinto, don't you just wish they'd shoot a mirrorverse movie one of these days? :D


merkuria January 5 2012, 12:01:45 UTC
Oh I agree that Pine did a fabulous job, but I also think none of the other characters was on quite the same level, i.e. I was not impressed with Quinto's Spock, and I thought rest of the crew pretty generic (which I know is not the popular opinion). So I hope Pine will have someone really good to play against, to flex his acting muscles a bit.

And I've never seen any of those Pine classics. Erm, any good? ;-D


kianspo January 5 2012, 12:08:10 UTC
Really? Because I thought Quinto's acting progressed immensely since Heroes. I actually did like his Spock, and seeing as Spock is my favorite character, that's a lot to ask of me. Hm, how to put it. I didn't like JJ's interpretation of these characters (for the most part), but I liked what the actors did there.

The rest of the cast didn't get any chance to show anything. You don't get to do much acting in a bloody action flick. *makes a face*

Um, in one word? No. :D


ariadnechan January 5 2012, 17:18:47 UTC
I like Quinto and Pine specially together. The actor who did Pike and Checov. and that's it, i think the script for simmon Pegg was not good because Scotty was not a comic relief only occasionally as Checov, or Sulu or everybody. His character has depth too and we saw nothing of that in the movie.

And the Uhura character is so messed up that i can't start with her, the actress was a bad choice, the only good in her is that she is beautiful but we end in that. and she even didn't want the part, the director of avatar had to convince her that she was letting go a job of a lifetime.


feanna January 5 2012, 18:18:06 UTC
I totally agree on Scotty! He was funny, but he was a badass engineer first. This Scotty is the other way around, I couldn't imagine leaving him in charge of the Enterprise... (This portrayal may or may not have been caused by casting Simon Pegg, or they cast him because that's what they wanted to go for, probably a little of both...)

It's always hard in big enseble casts to give everybody nuances, but I do dislike seeing the comic relieve character especially. (See also Gimli in LotR for example.)


ariadnechan January 6 2012, 03:49:51 UTC
yep also in the series several of them make the comic relief so no one end up being the clown, and they all had depth.

I wonder what would happen if they would took Mcavoy in the part
he auditioned for it, and he was real sad because he is a trekky.


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