Merlin 4.13

Dec 25, 2011 22:31

There're a lot of things I could say about it, but only one that I want to say. COLIN MORGAN, I FUCKING LOVE YOUR FACE. You carried this episode (as you carried so many others). You carry the whole bloody show. With your face and your acting and occasional help from the others none of whom are the writers. Which is just sad. No actor, no matter how great, should be asked to save that much poor/lazy/sloppy writing on a regular basis.

The last minute wedding/coronation was exactly that, last minute. Gwen... I feel sorry for Gwen. Not much, the show hasn't done anything to make me sympathize with her, but still, watching her being so pathetically grateful for another chance to be queen made me cringe. As did Arthur, who was basically like, 'Shit, I forgot, there are no women in Camelot. Isolde just got here and look what happened. Must marry Gwen now, screw everything, or I'll be an old maid.'

It's saying something that Arthur and Morgana had more chemistry in their single scene than Arthur and Gwen had the entire season. Backlit windows and violins included. I'm not even going to say anything about A/M...

Merlin got a new coat. Probably for single-handedly retaking Camelot, convincing Arthur to remain king, and saving his girlfriend in the span of what, 24 hours? I wonder how he deals with sleep deprivation...

Well. On the whole, S4 has given us a handful of nice A/M moments. Which is always welcome. On the other hand, we lost Lancelot, had A/G/L completely screwed up, and Merlin is still no closer to stop lying about his magic. I really want to hope things will be better in S5...

For now, fanficcers better fix this whole mess ASAP. :)

colin morgan is out to get me, merlin, episode review, spoiler alert

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