I watch things?

Nov 21, 2011 15:53

*glances around* This is turning into a bit of a meme thingy... Ahem. I've been thinking about how certain shows instantly create fandoms and some shows don't. Is it the slash factor? *g* Also, I've been musing a lot about how I watch a lot of things, but am very rarely moved enough to write for them. What has it got to be, I wonder, to make me want to? I watched a shitload of shows and films in my life, but was only moved to write for a few. The X-files, Star Trek, Merlin, and SPN (which I would have written more for if they didn't make me kinda sorta hate them). I know that a lot of my f-list is hot for XMFC and Inception. I liked those fine, but wasn't inspired to write for them. Am I missing a gene or something? I don't need a new fandom, God forbid, I'm just wondering...

Anyway, new things I watch:

Pan Am. I think we've already established that I'm a bad feminist, and it looks like I'm being pretty shallow on top of that, but I like it. It's got beautiful people (told ya I'm shallow), it's got the atmosphere, the style and fashion I kinda like, and also, which is always a hook for me, it's got that team-like quality to it. I do love ensemble shows where the cast isn't just some random collection of people, but rather they're all involved in the same structure of some sort, with a hierarchy and stuff. Colour me weird, but so far I like it. (Also, it doesn't scare the shit out of me like Mad Men did...)

The Secret Circle. This is a bit of a surprise, because on the surface, this show has everything that should annoy me to no end, but in fact it doesn't. Dunno why. Witchcraft? :) I was surprised when they killed off one of the main cast almost right away. Also it's got Gale Harold, and I keep calling him Brian in my head and keep randomly waiting for Justin to pop up and tell him not to be a dick, which is pretty amusing. :D

Once Upon a Time. This one's weird. I hear people squeeing about it left and right, and I'm just sort of 'Huh?' I watched 4 episodes. The first two, I had to stop myself from falling asleep. The second two were much better in terms of retaining my attention, and I'm a little bit interested now, but still not in love. That missing gene again? Yeah, so Winona Kirk Emma Swan is badass like nobody's business and the kid is cute, but somehow it's not enough? Or is a soul-deep connection with the epic tale of Snow White a requirement? Yeah, so I'll keep tracking it, but mostly as an experiment of 'see how different you are from all those other people.' Hm.

Things I need to catch up on include H5O (hard to get back into after that much screw-up), SPN (see the note for H5O), White Collar (is it still on? I liked it), Suits, the Borgias (some of them are over, but I never watched them through). I keep up with Glee so far, mostly because I'm a sucker for musicals and Kurt/Blaine are like somebody's fanfiction caught onscreen. *g* Also, there's one very old show I've never seen before that I sometimes watch now, and yeah, okay, it's good. Someone I used to know has good taste.

Any other suggestions? What are you guys into this year?

fascinating, not writing, personal log, talk to me

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