Sorry, you've been warned about this journal not suitable for minors and senstitive people, right? I just can't help the swearing.
I've just been wondering, is bad writing contageous? First we had S3 of Merlin with like 4 decent episodes in the entire season and screwed up characterizations all across. Then SPN with what we already have and the much
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And the 'what the hell' is definitly going around when it comes to H50. My fav episodes definitily were from early in the season. But the finale definitly had the what the fuck going on. I mean the Rachel/Danny thing came out of slow build up or just dropped like a bomb...and a baby? Well, the baby won't see the light of day because it would change the nature of the show and can anything even contemplate how expenisve it would have to be to hire a baby?
But the whole plot was like...they went through this wtih Chin, the wrongly accused part, and now they've wrapped Chin up (I did like how they did that) and they decided to have Steve arrested?
I am still shaking my head and in the process of getting writer's block. I hope season 2 will fix this asap because I totally adored the show and I don't think I could stand it if they ruined it so early in the show's life!
And as for Steve and Kono, at this point, I'm wondering if the producers even have an exit strategy for this shit or if nobody bothers to think that far ahead. Seriously, this is banged up.
I know I shouldn't let this affect me so much and I will get over it as time passes but right now it annoyed me so much (the entire episode with everything in it) that I cannot even read fanfic anymore. This **** me even further because it cuts into my happy time!
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