I'm finally back online, more or less, since it's only every other hour that it seems to be working. My page seems to have some trouble with coding, but I am told that I am the only person who sees it. I dunno, do you guys see the word [info] instead of my userhead? I do, but I am told others don't. In any case, a small price to pay for being back
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What I've been reading recently is an old Voyager story that was recced somewhere and was apparently popular in the fandom some time ago. (You know, when it existed, but I had no idea something like fandom existed.)
Also, these reviews: http://markwatches.net/reviews/
Reading her posts about podfic:
Though mostly I treat them as recs and actually READ the fic, because it's faster.
This was also fun:
And lots of other stuff (including loving the ending of the most recent GA ep: http://thingswithwings.dreamwidth.org/135908.html?thread=4492516#cmt4492516
which should really tell you, that I did all this shit and much more, then I've been spending much too much time on teh internetz, and you'd be right, sighs...)
Will definitely do that.
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