Help a girl out?

Mar 29, 2011 14:39

I feel weird asking this, considering I have three (five really) stories in the works right now, but it's one of these moments. I know what I want to say and what I want to write, but I'm sort of blanking out on inspiration. So PROMPT ME. I'm making no promises, considering the above said, but you never know what might hit the chord, right? God, if I knew, I wouldn't be asking this. ;)

Anyway, prompt away! Anything you wish to see, some rampant AU perhaps, or a fluffy oneshot, or a dark sketch, or basically anything. The only thing, I'm restricting this to Star Trek and to K/S only. I can't help it, sometimes I just miss my OTP so badly it hurts. *sadface*

Pretty please?

prompt game, k/s, why kiana, talk to me, i'm in deep

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