A rec and a request

Feb 12, 2011 19:31

I come bearing recs. Well, one rec, but it's so um, significant that it feels like more. :D Anyone who follows Pinto fandom has probably read this already, but if you haven't, I can't tell you how much you're missing out. 'This' being ewinfic's In Our Bedroom After the War. Ewin has always been a superb emotion jerker, and this story is just I can't even. But it ends in a happy place, thank everything that's Holy. So yeah, it's a trainwreck, but it's an utterly riveting, deliciously intense, speed-paced romantic thriller (hey, it's a genre). Read it. (Do it! Do it! Do it!)

In other news, I need some help. I'm sort of blanking out. I want to write, but I can't work on anything big yet, and I'm void of thoughts or ideas for sketches. I feel like I'm going nuts inside my head, this has to stop. Prompt me please?

Pairings: K/S, Spock/Uhura (what? I can do het. maybe), Bones/Someone who isn't Jim, Dean/Cas, Arthur/Merlin, Gwaine/Merlin, maybe gen
Prompt format: 10 words or less; let's stay away from anything too dark this time, okay? Angst is fine.

I'm making no promises, but I'll try to fill at least five prompts should there be takers. Maybe more. I just need to get out of my head for a while. Thanks guys!

ETA: I won't be filling these in any particular order and it might take a day or a few.

prompt game, comment fic, i'm in deep, fic (rec) love

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