Recs...? Anyone? Pretty pretty please?

Mar 03, 2010 18:08

Okay, so, um, apparently, I'm in a sappy mood. Or, in a mood for some. I've been having a shitty couple of days, and while my troubles are not exactly earth-shattering, I've just been down. Like really down lately. Is-there-anything-good-left-in-this-world kind of down. So, um, can anyone rec any long (preferably) angsty-but-happy-ending, probably-too-sappy-to-be-realistic romance tales? It can be anything, Kirk/Spock (TOS or Reboot), Chris/Zach, Arthur/Merlin, Bradley/Colin, or even imagine that, real fiction? Fanfics are just easier to come by is all...

Or, let me rephrase that. What are your favorite romantic stories of all times in your fandom? In general? I might have read them, but I wouldn't mind being reminded. I want to drown in sweet-cute-epic-doomed-mindblowing romance till diabetic coma claims me. Please help?

stuff, comment fic, i'm in deep, fic (rec) love, fml

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