So um, been a while

Oct 12, 2012 02:22

Right, update, since I figure you're probably going to see less of me for some time.

On the health front, I'm okay. I had my heart situation checked, and I have this condition that is apparently absolutely non-live threatening, just should be monitored yearly. As for tachicardia, I do have it, pretty much all the time, as well as jumpy BP, but apparently it has more to do with how I process things in my life and the way I deal with stress. It would appear that I internalize stuff to a point where I myself am unaware I'm under pressure or have trouble dealing, and so the physical symptoms catch me off guard and seem to come out of nowhere. It's a bit silly, I know. I mean, I myself am convinced that I'm calm all the time and taking things in stride, but it would seem that my body disagrees. Basically, I'm a nervous wreck who shows no outward signs of it. Well done, me.
But on the bright side, I'm not at risk or a heart attack or anything. Good news, right?

In family news, we're like, all over the place and everywhere I look everyone is hurting. Time will heal, but right now, I'm sort of spread between secretly looking for a therapist for my mom, and also secretly babysitting my dad, and constantly explaining the hows and whys even though I'm the last person to come to for words of wisdom or consolation. My life is hardly an example of how to do things, but well, there you go. Like, people should have competent help and support. Instead they have me.

Now, the reason why I'll probably be a bit more absent from now on, is that I'm starting a new job in about a week. Ironically, my new job is my last non-freelance job. I worked for these people for 3 months 4 years ago, and it's flattering to a degree that the world of media can't seem to live without me, but the thing is part of me wishes really badly that I haven't picked up the phone when they called me at the beginning of September. However, I did, and well, now I'm going back. It's gonna suck, but life forces this decision on me, and I can't watch my mom struggle like this anymore, so I'm doing this. Wish me luck. Wish me to pull myself together and not quit again. Wish me to have at least a couple of days a week that I don't spend watching the clock.

In fandom news, I've been spending a lot of time on Tumblr. LJ seems to be slowing down, at least in all the fandoms I'm in. It's sad, really. I feel like I'm losing friends all over the place. I'm posting my Merlin eps reactions, if I have them, on Tumblr, but I tag for spoilers like a good girl, so that seems to be working.

I'm writing another Charles/Erik fic that seems to grow every time I'm not looking. I don't quite know how it happened, but I was surfing the kink meme that one time and that prompt was just so gorgeous, I couldn't resist. I'm weak. Now the story is kicking my ass, and I feel like I'm in way over my head, but I want to do this. I'm just slow, unfortunately.

Plus, I signed up for merlin_holidays, so yay fest. I also have that Merlin fic that I posted on the meme a long time ago and secret_chord25 has dutifully beta'ed, the poor thing, but so far I've been unable to go through with the edits. That one is no Pulitzer, putting it mildly, so that's probably why I'm dragging my feet. Boohoo. The irony is, I always say I shouldn't write porn, yet somehow I don't think it's the porn that got this one in trouble. Well. I'll try to wrestle it into some kind of presentable.

Okay, so this felt like a bucket of depressing, but it's not so bad once we all adjust a bit. I believe in this. I'm going to need your recs a lot from now on, so, you know, keep an eye out for pretty stories for me, if there's anyone even left here who isn't exclusively into Teen Wolf these days. ;)

And well, you know, missed you all. What have you been up to? :)

ETA: Oh, one other thing. My Yahoo email address ist kaput, so please don't use it to contact me anymore and ignore any messages sent from it. My new fandom mail is at AOL. JSYK.

personal log, merlin, xmfc, tumblr dummy, awesome friends

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