Thank you guys, all of you, for all the well wishes and hugs. Really, they go a long way, days like these. Thank you! ♥♥♥
In other news, my brain is all over the place it seems. I only remembered (okay, fine, was reminded) today that I have a fic to edit and repost, and it's been waiting for a couple of months already. /o\ Bad Kiana, very bad.
I also haven't gotten around to reading a Russian translation of a ST fic, I'm so sorry, I'll get right on it. Week from hell.
I spend a lot of time these days driving to and fro a 100 km distance, and it's entirely possible that all roads are beginning to cross before my eyes. At least, the weather is lovely.
I have accidentally written 6k into an Erik/Charles fic and it isn't going to stop there... HOW, BRAIN? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
...On second thought, don't answer that.
On a brighter note,
hs_merlin has begun posting. Yay! I'm nervous about my entry. I was happy with it when I sent it over, but now I'm doubting myself something horrible. It's one of those moments when you're asking yourself if you're a good author (albeit frequently misunderstood *g*) or a really REALLY bad one. Yeah no, I see your eyeroll and raise you one. *facepalm* Days like these.
Any volunteers to put me together again? ;)