
Feb 27, 2012 00:39

So it's been a while, huh? I try to keep track on the updates, but am probably missing things. I've been in this limbo kind of thing, can't quite explain, where time just... disappears on me. Must be the end of winter or something. People around me are going a little crazy and it must be catching in a weird kind of way. Not been writing much, not even the funny meme thing, kind of just drifting. Dunno what's up with that.

To everyone whom I owe an email, I'm sorry, I'm getting there. I kicked myself on your behalf. Forgive me? *hopeful eyes*

Anyway, here be dragons!

Thanks you lot. I'm taking my time naming that little herd you gave me, 'cause that's the kind of thing I do now apparently, naming blue dragons on crack. ;)

(Also, I know we were supposed to only have 6 of those to send, but I think I sent about 20 before LJ cut me off. Sometimes it fucks up for us too. ;) Speaking of which, if you have any kind of important thing or a big story to post soon, I'd plan it before or after the next weekend. Hopefully LJ won't go down this time, but one can't be too careful. )

not writing, personal log, technofail, i'm in deep, awesome friends

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