So, what's going on?

Feb 04, 2009 15:28

So, it's very much hard to believe that I never once posted in 2008 on this journal. I find it odd that it never occurred to me. I remembered that I had this journal, I just never thought to update it I suppose. Well, here's some updates.

Devon killed himself on October 17th, 2007.
Coley and Andy got into a car accident on October 27th, 2007. Coley died upon impact, Andy technically died October 28th, 2008.
Sam was killed November 7th, 2007.
Brian and I broke up February 25th, 2008.
I met Matt Welch March 9th in person for the first time. That was also our first kiss. :]
Some odd days later, Matt and I started dating.
End of March, I started hanging out with Madilynn, her sisters, Cam, Andrea, Tony, Garrett, and some other people.
Matt and I broke up  May 10th, 2008, over me being dumb.
Garrett Troppman and I started dating May 23rd, 2008.
June 8th or 10th, 2008. Matt comes back into my life. Joi and I fight and break off the friendship.
Two weeks leading up to June 27th (I believe that was the day of my birthday party) I realize I'm in love with Matt.
July 2nd, 2008: Natasha comes home from Taiwan, and I break up with Garrett.
July 2nd, 2008: I start dating Matt again.
July 4th, 2008: I spend with Matt. He comes home with me.
July 5th, 2008: We go to Trav's Leaving Gilroy's Hardcore Glowstick Partay. That night rocked.
July 6th, 2008: Matt's going away party. Fun times. I stay at his house that night, until July 8th.
July 8th, 2008: Matt proposes. I say yes.
July 9th, 2008: Matt leaves for boot camp.
July 10th - September 4th, 2008: I made some new friends: Berkey, DanDan, Eman, and some guys from Sidetrax. :] Nice people. Great friends, lots of midnight laser tag. :] And bowling. Had my 20th birthday in there too.
September 5th, 2008: I'm finally allowed to see my fiance first time in two months. We got to have a lot of fun in just two short days. And there was a lot of happiness and kissing.
September 7th, 2008: I go back with Matt's family.
September 8th, 2008: I go back home.
September 9th, 2008 - November 30th, 2008: In that time, there was Katie's wedding (November 1st), Johnny and Dustin's kickass Halloween bash (October 31st), Coley and Andy and Sam's little memorial get-together (October 27th), and Matt and I could talk easier via phone and internet. Plus, the WoW get-together at Ben's for that weekend.
December 1st, 2008: Doc appointment, blood is drawn for the first time in three years. Trav was there to hold my hand.
December 2nd - December 17th, 2008 is rather uneventful, but getting ready for Matt's arrival on December 20th. Joi and I start talking again, and become friends again. I helped out with the Madrigal Dinner.
December 20th, 2008: Matt comes home. :] Overjoyed. Lots of hugging and kissing.
December 21st, 2008: Go from my house to the mall, and pick up Dustin on the way. Pics with Matt. :]
December 22nd, 2008: Matt and I are married at the Benzie County Courthouse at 4:00 p.m. Honeymoon entails.
December 23rd, 2008: I get sick. :[ Matt takes care of me.
December 24th, 2008.: Still sick, but feeling slightly better.
December 25th, 2008: First Christmas together.
December 26th - December 28th, 2008: Uneventful, but fun at the same time. Lots of time with Matt.
December 29th, 2008: Ben picked us up near Matt's house, and we went back to my place for our little reception.
December 30th, 2008: Went to Kallen's and Thalo's to visit. Went home and were cute together.
December 31st, 2008: Kickass party at Ben's, like usual. Played an epic game of Candyland. got to be with Matt. Cuddled all night.
January 1st, 2009: Went back to Matt's place with his family, and went out to eat.
January 2nd, 2009: Spent as much time as we could together. Stayed up all night until January 3rd.
January 3rd, 2009: Matt leaves to go back to Pensacola.
January 4th - January 31st, 2009: Not a whole lot. Went sledding with Madilynn and Eman and Berkey and people. Saw Twilight. Got bronchitis.
February 1st, 2009: I go to Mark's and hang out. See people.
February 2nd, 2009: (Midnight) My health takes a turn for the worse and my mom drives me to the emergency room. They give me three breathing treatments, steriods, and do a chest x-ray. They send me home.
February 2nd, 2009: I go to the doctor at 3:45 p.m. She tells me I have walking pneumonia, and sends me on my way with an antibiotic and steriods. Difficulty sleeping.
February 3rd, 2009: I feel a little better, but still I need sleep. I find it difficult.
February 4th, 2009: I feel even better. I wake up happy for some reason. No wheezing yet today, and it's 4:32 p.m. I also find it's easier to lay on my sides, and last night when I went to fall asleep, it took a little while, but I did it. Hmm. I went out and about today to take care of my bank and my paycheck, and then came home. I hope that didn't affect anything. I plan on getting more sleep tonight. I only had 8 hours compared to the 11 I had the night before. So hopefully I'll be fine still.

So far, so good. I think I'll be allright. I've been able to talk to people via laptop while I've been laying in my bed, so that makes me feel better too. But I'm supposed to stay away from smoke, and my mom just keeps smoking in the house. WHAT THE FUCK. If I have to go back to the hospital, I'm blaming it on my mom.


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