I took my 1000th picture! It is happy!:
I can't yell at Redmond about my grade until tomorrow so I'm trying not to worry about it but...my parents totaly forgot to ask to see my report card! They saw Jessi's and stuff but not mine! Am I geeked? Yes. Yes, I am.
In other news, (lol)how about two African 'leaders' died within the past few days. The Prime Minster of Georgia is suspected to have died of carbon monoxide poisoning. The President of Togo (who was the head of state of an African state, with 30 years) died of a myocardial infarction. His son technically staged a coup but there is virtually no resistance? Does that count? See
here, if you care..
And this morning we went to see my cousin be baptized. This is about 1/4 of my maternal (read: more Af-Am) extended family:
I'm lost somewhere in there. My cousin Alex is completely out of view. And the guy standing on the side is my Uncle Drew something or other, who I met today.