Aug 18, 2007 15:55
I love the fact that I'm elitist in most of what I do (one of the best pieces of advice I've ever read/heard was, "Be Particular," and I hold that it's fantastic and true), but I'm actually growing tired of Squibbing people. I do believe in the 30 apps we've had at H_E, I've probably Squibbed about 20 of them.
I'm anxious for all of ya'll's (like that totally incorrect word? me too) apps to come up so I can read some quality. :)
On any other note, it's a total lazy weekend for yours truly. I intend to do laundry, clean the house a bit, and then sit around on my bum the rest of the time. I'm alternating bum-sitting time between the computer, playing Order of the Phoenix on the Wii, and playing Pokemon: Battle Revolution (on the Wii as well), which was a surprise gift from James. Is it sad that my husband knows I'm obsessed with Pokemon games? I think not. :)
everyday life,