Is it me or is it cold?

Jan 18, 2003 22:50

Wow, it's been raw today. Like no matter how much the house is insulated, it's like the wind just creeps in any crack it can find and blows through you, chilling you to the bone.

Raditz and I took the boys out for a bit, but even they didn't want to play outside for too long. When we brought them inside, their little cheeks were so red and their lips were chapped. Did you ever try to put chapstick on young children? It's not easy. But, I made some hot chocolate and we had some cookies and that seemed to help warm everyone up.

Later, I packed up a box of goodies for Gokou and brought them over. I hope that by supplying Gokou with an endless stream of goodies will keep him from bothering ChiChi too much for them. He means well, but sometimes I think Gokou forgets when it comes to matters of the stomach.

For dinner tonight, I took some beef stew out of the freezer and made bread bowls to serve it in. That's one of BB's favorite meals with a Neanut sandwich. Daikon seems to like it too. We're weaning Daikon off bottles now. I mean, I still give both of the boys formula in the sippy cups, but Daikon still likes a bottle once in awhile, mostly I think it's a comfort thing. I'm not making a big issue out of it, but I don't just give him one either. He's got to let me know he wants a bottle. And no, he doesn't say it, but if he really wants a bottle he'll pantomime the guesture of drinking with a bottle.

Well, it seems Piper and BJ are still out on there adventure. I hope they're having fun. Raditz, myself and the boys are going to have a little movie night and watch The Lion King for at least the 500th time. I think some more hot chocolate could be in order too. And we should crank up the heat a bit.
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