
Dec 09, 2007 13:55

Yes indeed, after viewing my Zimmer DVD i have revised my thoughts.

All under the cut for your reading pleasure.

My point in todays post

Georg is GAY

Here we GO!

Geo is gay, very very gay.
No body would look at Bill, then see Geo and question his sexuality.
People are too obsessed with the androgyness lead singer to notice the perfectly normal gay guy right next to him out in plain sight, not hiding anything. If Georg was in any other band on this planet people would be questioning him about his sexuality, but because of whom he works with, he slips under the radar.
Although i do have to wonder HOW he managed this. This boy is SO GAY, has anybody watched him?

And sure, the man got muscles, but he doesnt really know how to use them.
For anyone who has seen the dvd, when Dunja attacks him all he does is SQUARK.
He could of easily gotten out of the headlock he was in.
Also, you go out there and find me a 20 yr old guy whose wave is spirit fingers horozontal with the ground.. XD

Tom has been outing Georg as gay for a year, and no one believes him because as theory would say, if it were real he wouldnt say it.
Well i think it is real, and he can get away with saying it because he knows no one will believe him.
No one has ever asked Georg straight out if he is gay.
And from the laughs that he and Tom have when Tom jokes about it, its obvious they are both just waiting for the question to pop, but knowing it never will.
After all, he is just the percussion O_o

I know, that in the business he is in, he would never be allowed to come out. He would have to wait until after he had made his millions. There are MILLIONS of dollars at stake, and fangurls would drop if all of a sudden the guy they wanted to fuck, was off fucking another guy.

You would think and hope that in 2007 minds would have opened, widened, growen into accepting more. But apparently its still the middle ages in some parts of the worlds, and who you love seems to be such a big issue.
Should we not just be happy that we are able to love, does it really matter what gender the person is that our heart chooses?


And this is why i have now dubbed him 'Little Gayboy'

*hugs all*
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