GG.. ohhh GG!!

Sep 11, 2007 23:13

Yes its that time again.
i felt it was time for another GG pic spam.. of only GG.. oh yeah.

And get this.. no double from the last spam.. oh yeah im good lol

.. i WAS going to cut the twins out of the pics but then i figured... well you can still see the love with the twins there DUH

.. and no forgetting that im the crazy girl who thinks GG is real XD.. yup thats ME and PROUD!!

ok here goees

GG.. from the B-B-ginning...
Ok that was lame.. but HOw CUTE!!

*Stares at Gusti's arm*
.. is it just me.. or is Gustavs hand.. on Georgs... knee..

Its all in the look and the closeness.. the look and the closeness

...myeah XD


Gustav is SOO eager and soo strung out that he is pulling his pants down... with his hands in his pockets... look seee

Atleast its the right way round as well.. Gusti behind Geo

CUTE... but the wrong way
*freaks out*

*sigh* Phew!! *wipes brow*

The correct way XD
See... gusti.. behind ( top) geo... 
Ok.. maybe im a little odd.. and obsessed

Cuteness and closeness **Squeees**

Ok.. not exclusivly GG .. 
but LMAO at how Stav is holding his award!!!

Haha ha.. they play for the same team.. get it.. get it.. lmao!!


Stav: I was just going to kiss my baby... and you walked in and RUINED IT *fumes*
Geo: *Waits ..ready for kiss*

.. Its who hes looking at.. and the fact that their table has a ...candel XD

Gustav: *distracted by naughty thoughts*

See.. told ya it was real... if the Kiss form the Echo's didnt convince you.. this should... *nods* .. Yup!

Words arnt everything..
Silence can mean alot more.

Geo leaning into wolfie..
Wolfie leaning into Geo...

Gus looks soo innocent..
I didnt do nothin wrong... we wernt kissing*shifty eyes*

...And this is where i yell out KISS HIM KISS HIM

OK.. well not really GG.. but
What the hell Georg.. even Gustav doesnt know what your doing XD

Simple step Gustav...
1. put arm around Georg's waist..
2. snuggle

Elbows touching ..elbows touching..*hyperventaliates*

.. no just kidding.. but cuteness and in the pic of just Gus from this event...
he is SOOO wearing foundation  XD

See..i think they would make one hell of a good looking twosome  *nods* i doo

Teh Cuteness is never ending... but unfortunatly this pic spam is now over


.. if you dont want to see it just dont look.. and dont bash.
Its pointless .. nothing phases me!

*hugs to all*


....Remember...The Best Is Yet To Come...

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