May 24, 2005 12:36
To Everyone I love:
I dunno why i did that lol...
i guess its so you can read this over here
Or over here....
Or over here!
This was supposed to be different but the HTML straightened it out i think, oh well.
anyways its Dylans birthday everyone (ben) say happy birthday to him!!!
im so tired that this is all i could think of to write.... i started out wanting to write a poem lol...
if i do it is for someone very special, my mom. lol wtf no shes sucha bitch sometimes. heh jk.
This livejournal thing is so crazy. I feel wierd writing in a public journal, it's like im harriet the spy, or trapped in bridged jones' diary....
If i was gonna post something of any particular interest; i probably wouldn't even post it in here.
LoL *post it*; that is the 'live journal' 'internet posting lingo' for all you people that don't know, or
dissagree with having internet for their KIDS, haha. yeah, thats right. MOM! haha
I pushed a shopping cart that was like 9 blocks away from a grocery store back to the grocery store just to be nice last night.
I'll respond if u post something, and try to post something in your livejournals journals too (scott, ben, amber, Carla),
Peace not War.