Apr 13, 2005 09:07
i gave blood yesterday, I had to have both dee and t comfort me. It was great to have to spend 3-4 hours waiting in line to donate your blood because teachers keep cutting in front of you and the whole thing is ill organized... (at least i got out of class). After school I went with Micheal to visit Sam at work. She was working with the ass-hole who thought we were cool enough for him to refer to me as "Mark." That's not the worst part, While I was waiting for Micheal to tip Sam and for us to get the hell out of the rain, this HUMONGOUS downpour falls and instantly we're both soaking wet. As a result, Micheal has to drive me to my car which is only 20ft away so that i don't catch pneumonia and then i must proceed on to Publix (soaking wet)in order to buy groceries for my mother... It was fun