Just some stuff, mostly copied from my DeviantArt journal.
Midterms start next week, scary thought.
Cosplay... is being put on hold. *epic sadface* but I will be going to Florida next summer so I'll be missing the usual Con-season and all those fun events, so even if I had the budget and time for it, I'd have no where to wear my costumes. No AN or FanEx or ConBravo for me next year. Well I might make it back in time for FanEx, but it'll be tight, plus it's expensive. But on a side note, Mami Tomoe from Madoka has been eating at me and I'd love to make the costume.
List of stuff I need to do in the next few weeks if not this weekend:
- Volsa Primalu Event (oct 9)
- Volsa Halloween Event (oct 16)
- DW Halloween event (oct 31)
- TH - Make a page for Eiko (??)
- TH - Redraw App art (aug lol)
- TH Halloween event (Oct 31)
- Draw Kon for Con-G (oct 31)
- DW (the other one) ... ummm something? (dec 31)
- Replace Fire Alarm
- Study and do practice quizzes
- Make Thanksgiving Food!
- Re-make Benten's top
- Club Stuff
- There must be more to put here...
And one more, my character for a digimon based art/RP group :) (too big for post)