[OOC] Profile / Cape and Cowl Application / Contact

Jul 24, 2018 08:08

NAME: Stefan
JOURNAL: dragoon1940
IM: AIM - dragoon1940
E-MAIL: dragoon1940@gmail.com

CHARACTER NAME: Kimberly Anne Possible, more commonly known as Kim Possible.
FANDOM: Western Cartoons.
CHRONOLOGY: Just after So The Drama.


The world that Kim Possible grew up in is very similar to our own - there’s an internet, an America, a world. However, the technology level seems to be further advanced then our own, by at least a bit. There are mind-control chips, death rays, devices that can pull molten magma from the earth, exploding golf balls, and numerous other gadgets that just aren’t possible within our own world. This in addition to some degree of magic and other supernatural phenomena actually existing as well (including aliens and time travel).

Kimberly Anne Possible is the eldest child of Doctor James and Doctor Ann Possible, a rocket scientist and a brain surgeon, respectively. In her early years, she lead a relatively normal life, doing everything that normal kids do (including having braces at one point). However, this all changed at a point in her early teens, when Kim tried to augment her allowance by setting up a baby-sitting service, with a website: KimPossible.com. This led to a mix-up when a man, believing that her website was, in fact, the website of a superhero team known as Team Impossible, hired her to do some heroics. She excelled in this role and decided to take it up as something of a full-time job.

Thus, she embarked on a career as a secret agent and/or superhero, although she has never maintained a secret identity. Her parents also don’t seem to mind that she globe trots, saving people and the world from danger, as long as she gets her homework done and keeps them informed. Incredibly ,she does manage to balance school with her superheroics, maintaining a high GPA and rarely, if ever, letting her grades slip. She manages to do this by studying while traveling and starting her assignments early. In fact, she is one of the more popular girls at her school (although this has nothing to do with her heroics). She’s the captain of the cheerleading squad and she attributes much of her agility to this (remarking at one point, after dodging laser fire “Cheerleading saves my life again!”).

Her fame as a hero has grown to the point where she’s often hired by royalty or government agencies to do jobs for her, although she usually refuses payment, as she just genuinely likes to help people.

She is assisted in her tasks by Wade, a ten-year old technological genius, who built her communicator (which they call a Kimmunicator), as well as many of her other gadgets. He also runs her website, keeps her informed on jobs and intelligence regarding villains, and generally assists with any and all technological and computer related troubles (despite her own intelligence, she is not incredibly technically skilled).

Kim’s best friend, Ron Stoppable, serves as her sidekick and confidant, along with his pet naked mole rat, Rufus. Although he’s a bit of a bumbler, he genuinely means well and he will always have Kim’s back, no matter what situation they find themselves thrown into. More recently, she and Ron have become romantically involved.

Kim is incredibly skilled - she knows sixteen types of kung-fu, and is incredibly agile and strong. Her reflexes are top notch and she often dodges weapon fire. She is also an incredibly fast learner and is able to pick up many skills simply by seeing someone do it (such as piloting a space shuttle). She also has a decent singing voice.

Kim also has two younger, twin brothers - Jim and Tim Possible. They’re very technically skilled and intelligent, although they’re rather inconsiderate (not out of genuine malice, however) and make trouble for her at times. Despite her not-so-affectionate nick name for them (“tweebs”), she does care about them and keeping them safe.


Kim is very much a Type A personality. She’s a natural leader, outgoing, rather mature, and believes very strongly in her own ability to tackle just about any challenge (her family motto is, after all, “Anything is possible for a Possible!”). Typically, she’s very cheerful and upbeat and believes strongly in helping others in trouble, no matter what the difficulties. By extention , she cares strongly for others, especially her close friends and family, but also complete strangers. However, she also has a competitive streak a mile wide and this tends to manifest itself with her own drive for perfection (being something of a perfectionist). This also means she tends to be bossy when instructing others or setting very high standards for other people (which she can easily make, so she expects others to naturally be able to as well). This may also lead to engaging in competitions with people, including one-upmanship.
She also tends to do everything herself, which may lead to her being overloaded or trying to do too much at once.

Despite all of her heroics and apparent maturity, she is subject to many of the typical teenage insecurities and weaknesses (she is, after all still a teenage girl). She worries quite a lot about her own appearance and about fashion labels and not appearing to be ‘out of fashion’. She also has a tendency to cave to peer pressure to remain popular, as she tries very hard to fit in. At the same time, she also tends to find her parents embarrassing (even if she does love them). She’s also subject to occasional bouts of insecurity about herself or her appearance. She also isn’t quite sure on to act around boys she’s attracted to (and will sometimes try to be something she isn’t).

She also tends to judge based on appearance and not necessarily look beyond the surface. This has landed her trouble sometimes, but it’s something she has yet to totally grow out of.
Thanks, again, to her competitive streak, she is easily frustrated when she does not immediately grasp a skill or field of study and this can lead to her sniping and growing irritated with friends or people who can grasp that skill easily. She does not like to be outclassed.

CLASS: Hero, most certainly.


ALTER EGO: Kimberly Anne Possible, student!

POWER: Kim possesses no special powers. However, she’s lucky, smart, and incredibly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and the other physical activities that she needs to do her whole world-saving thing. As it is, she doesn’t need anything augmented, as she regularly takes on armed thugs, super-villains, and other evil-doer types with just her gadgets, wit, strength, and agility. As mentioned, she is an incredibly fast learner and is able to pick up many skills simply by watching someone.

She’s basically like Batman, except that she’s a teenage girl and her parents are actually alive. And she’s mentally balanced.

The power granted to her by the porter is an ability to give her eyes a blue glow and night vision.


Well, this was totally unexpected… And it’s one heck of a sitch. I mean, I have dimension hopped, once or twice, when Drakken got us all stuck in TV Land, but this is probably the first time I’ve ever just been dumped into one with warning. By the way - I just got told that I’m supposed to be a hero here, and I mean, I can handle that, that’s no big. I do it all the time back home, but… my world sort of needs me, you know?

But, really, Drakken was on one of his ‘destroy the world’ trips again, plus I have a paper due tomorrow. So, I would totally appreciate it if someone could just point me to the way out. Please and thank you!


Really, it was just another average day for Kim Possible. Which was she was currently scaling a sheer rock face, fingers and toes searching for holds as she carefully inched her way upwards. Another super-villain was threatening to destroy the world if he didn’t get some obscene amount of cash within the next few hours. And so, it was up to Kim (as usual) to go in and stop him.

“Honestly,” she muttered to herself as she slid upwards another few inches, “would it kill these people to build somewhere accessible? The lair is always in a volcano or on top of a wave-battered island in the middle of nowhere. They could make it a bit easier to foil their plans.”

Then again, if it was easy, she probably wouldn’t be doing it. If it was easy, she wouldn’t need to be the caliber of heroine she was. If it was easy… well, it wouldn’t be the same. She didn’t want easy. She was Kim Possible and could do anything she put her mind to. This? This was all in day’s work. If she was asked, she would say she liked it. She enjoyed it. She was helping people, she was stopping the bad guys. She was doing good.

She smiled to herself, and then glanced down. Poor Ron was about ten feet below her, clinging to the rock face and muttering about not wanting to fall to his death on the jagged rocks below and wouldn’t it be great if they’d installed an elevator?

“Just a bit more, Ron!” she called down to him. They were attached by a tether, but that wouldn’t help too much if one of them actually fell, “Besides, this is the easy part!”

Then with a grin, she clambered onwards and upwards.


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