
Aug 22, 2008 09:23

I had some odd dreams last night. The first one I remember, I'm looking at this little house down a country road to rent. When we arrive there is some kind of huge art auction going on near-by so there are dozens and dozens of cars. I have three children with me, I'm not clear if they're all mine or not. And this really nice lady is giving us a tour of the house, the problem is that it only seems to have one bedroom. Then as we're standing in the living room area I look up and there is an upper story, with a light on. The lady, who has lived here is very confused, she's never seen it before. While we were getting the tour I guess one of the girls had gone up a set of stairs and they'd almost fallen over, I remember this as I see the upper story, and I had fixed the stairs, finding a nail or piece of wood twisted wrong with an odd design on it. I put it back. We try to find the staircase again and we can't. At this point in time a cat, with a purple tinge, one I guess we'd brought with us, runs out the door. I decided maybe we should go, something feels wrong or evil about the house. But I can only find two of the girls, I take them out to the car, with the cat, start it and tell them to stay there and be ready to go.  When I get back to the house the third little girl meets me and says I have to come in and meet with my past, that bad things will happen. That's all I remember of that one.

In another I am helping these men put this black explosive tape on things in a lumber factory type place. I guess they're destroying the forest. All of it, and there isn't much left. We think we're safe, we've made a game of it, putting our names on the tape. We even ran into a nightguard who starts to help us because he agrees we're in the right. Then out of no where these men, without uniforms, I'm not sure if they're cops or security for the place, come rushing in. We head for the back doors, usually left open, they're behind curtains and they're locked. I turn and run under this tarp that is hiding young trees they've dug up with the intent of selling for profit because they're endangered now. I run through the trees and by some chance luck no one is in view by an open front door. I dash through it and slide, cutting and bruising myself on the gravel under a huge piece of machinery. I slowly edge my way back under the rows and rows of these things, trying to be quiet. Every time I hear a voice I stop moving. I have one of the things that causes the bombs to go off but I don't know if the men I was with are safely away and I don't want to kill innocent people so I don't use it. I realize that if I head one way under these things I'll get close enough to probably dash away and hide in part of the forest. At this point I woke up.

I had another brief one where someone wanted to come see me as a counsler and I kept getting interupted when I tried to explain that I wasn't a therapist and I didn't think I was qualified to help them, but they kept insisting. However when I tried to give them the address I kept forgetting it and mixing them up. And we were in the house my Mom and I lived in when we first moved to the city we now live in.

Anyway, that's it, other than I'm still alive.

Oh! My husband and I had our one year anniversary on Monday! Yay! we went to the Coast and just spent time together. We had dinner, wandered along the waterfront, danced to "Bless the broken road" in the Freddies parking lot for lack of any other place to do it. Watched a thunderstorm and other things people don't want to know about. Though we did stay in the Shakespeare room of the Coastal Inn that does their rooms up after authors, very neat room. We took a look at some of the other rooms, one being the Tolkien room, Nikki I think you'd like this room.
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