There is something about me that many of you, dear friends list may not be aware. Once upon a time, before Auntie Ki specialised in dirty drabbles and kinky fanfic, she was a poet. In fact, my Master's thesis
was a collection of poetry. I haven't written much of it in the last few years and what I have written I think to be drivel, but I punched out one that I thought not too bad and that I would share. Sometimes this is what a sleepless night will get you.
The pain is like ashes floating
through the blood, wending
its way finding nerves, skin, bone.
All answering, all shuddering with the impact of the chord;
played with stunning accuracy in a perfect harmony
of false notes, an orchestra out of tune.
Yet still it plays, ceaselessly, finding new songs,
new instruments: today a hip, tomorrow
an arm, perhaps a knee in the evening
as the sun sets. Never truly silent,
the pain shifts, traces new routes
through the body, seems to connect
sciatic to brachial until the brain receives
nothing but dead heat, a remorseless signal
telling that somewhere all is far from well.