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The Fell Winter
Rating: NC-17
Cast: Erestor/Glorfindel
Summary: Middle-earth is in the middle of the harshest winter ever known, and Erestor is suffering from the cold. A small child and a golden warrior warm his heart.
Chaotic Binky:
Erestor and Aglarien go to the Circus
Rating: PG
Cast: Erestor, Glorfindel, OC elflings
Summary: Erviniae cannot find a babysitter because Erestor is too
naughty. Elrond and Glorfindel offer to take them to the circus.
Erestor continues his naughtiness and Aglarien gives Elrond new hope.
Warning: Fluff
Glorfindel's Fantasy
Rating: NC-17
Cast: Erestor/Glorfindel/Elrond
Summary: Elrond and Erestor give their lover, Glorfindel, his current fantasy.
Inwë Sáralondë:
Summer Rains (The Renewal of the Seasons Part 3)
Rating: R
Cast: Glorfindel/Erestor; Lindir/Elrohir; Elladan/Saelbeth; Legolas, Lothvaen, Elrond
Summary: This story is the third in 'The Renewal of the Seasons' series, which I had originally begun writing in 2004. 'Summer Rains' was written in early 2005, and has been languishing on my hard drive ever since. Considering there are supposed to be four stories (one for each season) in the series, I figured it was time to get this looked at and posted. Hopefully, it won't take another three years before the fourth story is done. If you want to familiarise yourself with the series, 'The Four Seasons' can be found at:, while 'The Renewal of the Seasons can be found at: The summary for this part - Legolas returns to Imladris; Lindir and Elrohir have a falling out; Elrond is trying to work out what his happening; while Erestor and Glorfindel find themselves separated.
A Day in the life of Mir (Interlude in the Renewal of the Seasons Series)
Rating: PG
Cast: Erestor, Glorfindel, Lindir, Elrond, minor cast and last, but not least, Mîr.
Summary: It's just your average day for a cat. This is another story I had begun some years ago which I decided needed to be finished, and is written from Mîr's point of view. While I have been assiduously learning `cat speak' from my cat, I'm not sure if I've managed to translate it correctly, so if any of the occasional `meows' I have included here are botched, then the blame must be laid at my door. By the way, Mîr's thoughts (which are in English for the purpose of this story - I can't presume that everyone knows `cat speak') are in italics.
Sivan Shemesh:
Salute, My Love
Rating: NC-17
Cast: ElrondGlorfindel
Summary: Elrond returns back from the Last Alliance War, and Glorfindel does his best to comfort his lover……
Until Forever
Rating: NC-17
Cast: Erestor/Glorfindel
Summary: Erestor wanted his lover to know…… and Elrond had a gift……
Cupid, Draw back your Bow
Rating: NC-17
Cast: Haldir/? ; Erestor/? (and apparently, Orophin/Everyone and Rumil/three beautiful ladies, but we won't go there)
Summary: A love festival in Lothlorien, a secret admirer or two, thornless roses (and roseless thorns), and most important of all, a night of love for two of the three- wait, no, four!- Lorien brothers. Notes: Written for the St. Valentine's Day Challenge issued by Athos at the LothlorienLoversGroup TWO years ago. And I'm finally finishing it now...
The Naked Neighbour
Rating: NC-17
Cast: Glorfindel/Erestor
Summary: Glorfindel arrives to Imladris and meets someone special...