Updates to the Glorfindel archive for September 27th:

Sep 27, 2007 10:51

Links to all new stories here: http://glorfindel.info/updates.html

New stories by:


Ossë's Gift
Rating: R (sometimes bordering dangerously on NC-17)
Cast: Erestor/Glorfindel
Summary: A voyage from Umbar to Lindon is filled with intrigue and suppressed yearnings.

To Ward Winter's Chill
Rating: NC-17
Cast: Erestor/Glorfindel
Summary: Sometimes it takes more than one night of passion to begin a relationship on a sound footing.

Inwë Sáralondë:

Betrothal to an Elf
Rating: PG to NC-17 depending on chapter
Cast: Erestor/Glorfindel, Elrohir/Lothvaen, Lindir
Summary: Feelings deepen. Sequel to "Courting an Elf" here.

Chocolate Painted Elf
Rating: NC-17
Cast: Erestor/Glorfindel
Summary/Notes: Instead of sailing, Erestor and Glorfindel remained behind and live in the modern world. This can be seen as a sequel to 'Whipped Cream and Fan-Fiction' here. And, of course, I've used the daily prompts posted on the Lotrallslash group. Partially typed with a cat resting her head on my wrist... The prompts used were 8 Jun 2006 - 'wiggle' and 'read'; 15 Jun 2006 - 'harmony'; 15 Jul 2006 - 'melt'; 8 Aug 2006 - 'sizzling'; 11 Aug 2006 - 'haircut'; 14 Aug 2006 - 'grow'; 19 Aug 2006 - 'ribbons'; 20 Aug 2006 - 'angel'; 23 Aug 2006 - 'picture'; 24 Aug 2006 - 'spill'; 27 Aug 2006 - 'jump'; 18 Sep 2006 - 'dolly'; 21 Sep 2006 - 'trail'; 22 Sep 2006 - 'party'; 29 Sep 2006 - 'whistle'; 1 Oct 2006 - 'spritz'; 3 Oct 2006 - 'erotic'; 11 Oct 2006 - 'monster'; 30 Oct 2006 - 'wild'; 3 Nov 2006 - 'trick/tricky'; 4 Nov 2006 - 'dessert'; 27 July 2007 - 'deep'; 12 Aug 2007 - 'zealous'; 11 Aug 2007 - 'worship'; 13 Aug 2007 - 'enthusiasm'; 23 Aug 2007 - 'element'


Rating: NC-17
Cast: Glorfindel/Elrond
Summary: Elrond has an idea for a rather unusual way of curing Glorfindel of his fear of fire.
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