Icon Glee Post Part 1

Oct 29, 2010 23:24

+ Reply to this post (specifically saying you wish to play) and I will pick six of your icons.
+ Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
+ Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
+ This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

maubast  picked the following six icons:

This was made by mothergoddamn  and found at (I think) at the moi_moi_lounge  icon community.  It's  a quote from one of my favorite movies The Philadelphia story starring Katherine Hepburn, Jimmy stewart and Cary Grant.  It's near the end before her wedding when she's hung over and thinks she's slept with the Jimmy stewart character.  The movie is full of fun quotes  and I adore Katherine Hepburn. I like the simpleness of this - easy to read, no frills.

This was made by joereaves . It's of the Titanic bow from (I think) National Geographic.  I've always been interested in the Titanic's short and tragic history and this image has always been a haunting one.

This was made by rainbowgraphics  Occassionally she'll do an icon post where she'll have a few stock icons and she'll customize them upon request.  I wanted a simplish/basic default and she had this one up recently.  It's pretty.  she does a lot of colorful icons - some animated, gay friendly, bright colors.

This was made by unsiopiro I think - found it while wandering trough random Icon communities looking to fill the many empty spaces I had.  I like that it's black & white - I just think it's kind of neat looking. I have a lot of neat looking icons :)

This was made by archangel   It's of the HeartBreak Kid shawn Michaels (HBK) - one of my favorite wrestlers who is now retired :(  I don't know if he actually does have that tattoo on his hip, but he does have others, so he might. And it's fun to think about. *grin*

I made this one.  Found it on ebay I think and I like the quote, so I made it into an icon. And no - I do not have this particular button (for anyone who knows me - I have A LOT of buttons :)   As for what it means - damned if I know.  :) I think is that occassionally you need something completely junky and with no real redeaming value in your life just because it's fun.  Corndogs have got to be one of the worst things you can eat - but they're fun.  Who doesn't like to eat fried stuff on a stick ?


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