Why I'm still in LUV w/ THE IDEA of SmallvilleWHAT they SHOW me

Nov 03, 2009 16:48

Why I'm still in love with THE IDEA of Smallville, even though the series itself has sort of dropped off that pedestal.

They SHOW me the BLACK SMUDGES on the series everywhere:

The BLACK "S"'s
The BLACK MARKS on Clark's character (yes there's even a screencap of Clark with a "Mark Black" nameplate)see it under my cut.

• Clark's all black costume-'nuf said.

• The burned black "S" symbol is everywhere (see more wrt "AFTERBURN" below*)
--and is representative of the darker view we're being given of Clark himself in his blatant disregard for personal and public property;

the scene where he rescues that waitress in Roulette comes to mind; Was it really necessary to demolish her car in order to rescue her? And would anyone ever expect to see Clark steal a donut right out of someone's hands to give to someone else? Sorry, not the Clark we've been exposed to over the years, unless he's been exposed to Red K.

---Perhaps it's better we refer to his demeanor as "oblivious", rather than "dark", especially wrt the consequences of some of his rescues, those who get injured as a direct result of his interventions (or indirect in some cases).

(for ex. Clark acted strangely nonchalant, in fact he was smiling, when he was telling Lois that the guy that he knocked across the room "just got out of surgery, he's still unconscious". Not even a glimpse of remorse or guilt.)


And particularly wrt his inattention to cries for help from those dearest to him, such as Oliver and Chloe, his pretense to care but shallow careless attitude and lack of concern towards them and the rest of the Justice members, and the things going on practically under his nose at the mansion….

• I find the "Mark Black" name plate here rather amusing (and fitting) I think this cap deserves being placed next to another one:

• The fortress still has some BLACK CRYSTALS within its "walls"


They have given us a "larger than life" set for our heroine, Chloe (and keep stressing how much her life SUCKS):

• A set which from this view looks an awful lot like a giant baby bottle…. or phallic symbol, either one, it's the same reference.:\

• To me this Watchtower set is reminiscent of that Talon mural.
Remember? We saw it in many episodes, but especially in the ep.RUSH, behind the Chlark make-out scene (read my commentary on the mural here ::site url:: ) An entire episode surrounded one representation of that mural (Fragile) in which the golden-haired Chloe's chest holds the hidden concentration of …krypto-wealth… the diamonds which "will make us rich". That particular rendition of the mural was done in stained glass, and there were lots of bits of colored glass flying about in that ep.

----I think of that because of the kaleidoscope feel I get whenever I see the "Watchtower". I think of how those ppl were able to control those random shards, how they could be used for beauty or for evil, or like a kaleidoscope can just randomly fall into any unpredictable pattern.

• And there's not just one window. The same pattern is repeated over and over and over again. The tower is circular, just like the window, no beginning, no end, like a wedding band, or a bracelet…

• There was a scene in the pilot in which a meteor strikes a watchtower in Smallville, that goes clear through one of the windows and down through and out of the building leaving a hollow, shattered shell, shown here:


*Note the use of Chloe's scenes still giving us some interesting clues such as in the ep.ECHO; "AFTERBURN" in bright bold letters displayed behind one of the scenes with her and Clark. ----Like many of Smallville's episode titles, "Afterburn" has several different connotations, one of them being a novel whose cover is suspiciously similar to the Lois' sexdream flashbacks. Another is wrt to psychology; meaning a condition in which a past event affects every daily activity. There are other connotations which can apply as well.

(Anybody know if there's any meaning to the posted flyer with the words "John's Brothers", or the large building sign McBride&McCarthy?

- this name was also presented in the Premiere inside the TRAIN WRECK as a poster ad(depicting a man and women dressed in business attire holding papers at a desk).
click to enlarge:

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