The new Prince of Persia game has me curious.
PoP revamp.
I'm not sure about this. I love the 'older' version. Personally, I think Sands of Time (SoT) is the best game in terms of style but overall The Two Thrones (TTT) is the best game out of the trilogy, closely followed by SOT and then Warrior Within (WW). WW is quite strange. And I'm sorry, but the 'bitch' at the beginning really annoyed me. Which is strange since it's a blood and guts game and I can't take one measly curse? Yeah, I know. o_0 But my baby sister was around 7 or 8 and that's not a nice thing for a 7/8 year old to hear now is it.
In terms of fighting style, I love the run of the mill, KILL EVERYTHING NAO BEFORE THEY SUCK OUT YOUR BRAINS AND YOU BREAK THE CONSOLE IN FRUSTRATION!! Passing that bit, killing everything makes the success much much sweeter. In SoT for example, I remember the first time I played it, it took me forever trying to kill his sand!father, and then when I did, I was overjoyed (I promptly saved it in the next save bit and didn't look at it for two months - now I pretty much sleep through it). It's why I love-love Devil May Cry 3 and why sometimes, Final Fantasy annoys me.
Visually, the 'new' series looks very, I don't know, epic? I can't think of the right word but I think it will either be very very good or ver very bad. It's got that Japanese dreamland epic vibe thing going on. Which I get, since for a supposedly 'mainstream' game that is said to open up new ways to game, with its open plan control technique. Not that I don't love it. I love the FF series (hm, must play that sometime) but it's lost the Middle-Eastern vibe. I really loved that. D: D:
Also, Prince in SoT? Way better looking than this guy. Plus, WRONG ACCENT. That always pisses me off. In the original, I know he's English (in SoT anyway) but the voice was cute and adorable and it matched the prince. WW = suckage. TTT = okay (both of them). Not finished either WW or TTT, but I help my younger sisters out and they had a blast playing. Except for WW, they both hated that.
Sorry if this post was incoherent. I've been flailing over the game. My sister says the promo vid looks like it's been made by a fan and there's probably a better version by a fan around. Hmm...
Anyway, can't wait for the new series even though I will be hugging the older one quite fiercely. *nods* I think I'm just too attached to things I like. Gah.