But damn, seriously, those potatoes look mighty fine to me. I can even taste all the butter... yuuuuum. ♥
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Love this song so much. <333 x infinity.
Read The Time Traveller's Wife and I found it quite odd.
I still enjoyed it; I just think it was... odd. I know the ending was acting a mirror to their life - he was there near the beginning so he should be there at the end. But I think I would have preferred chaos. His comings and goings became ordered but they were still vey abrupt for her. I know stylistically this works and it probably reads better but I think I would have preferred a more abrupt ending.
Also, there's some kind of racism in it which really made me cringe. I can't remember what exactly but even thinking on it now, I get this sense of bitter distaste, except I can't remember what exacly it was that I ate.
Zomg, I want those 'taters so bad. X_X