Err... Interesting. ;3; That was the shortest test I ever took but the most accurate as well. Ahahahaa! OTL. Maaaa....
I seem to answer random memes like this more than really giving updates about my life. A lot has happened and probably tonight I have to sit down and start telling stories about where I have been for the past two months and what I have been doing. ;3; Speaking of memes. I wonder if this will post using my underhanded LJ ways at work. ;3; (It's friday okay, I'm quite entitled to lollygag)
This time, it's from
simply_kim. Was tagged. >3<
People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves. Tag 8 people to do this quiz.
1. What are your nicknames? Khursten, Kristine, Seme-sama, Dino (._. ), ka-suten, Kristel (>w< )
2. What do you do before bedtime? Aside from the usuals... recently, RP, Plurk, read a book, play quests, smoke, and every other night, pr0n (I CAN'T HELP IT! DINO'S ONE HORNY ITALIAN OKEI!!).
3. What fandom(s) are you most into at the moment? Gintama, One Piece, Katekyoshi Hitman Reborn, Kami no Shizuku, Detroit Metal City
4. Favorite scent? Clean floral ones or Fruity ones. >w< My current one is cucumber melon something. ;3; Makes me want to eat me! ;3;
5. What skill are you developing right now? Sewing and modeling... like die-cast or figure modeling. >w<
6. What do you eat the most? Pasta or noodles. TAT
7. Do you trust easily? No.
8. What was your first big fandom? Yuu Yuu Hakusho. >w< Ahur.
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? When my car broke down. ;_; That made me really sad not because I don't have the car, but it's like losing your best friend. ;_;
10. Do you have a good body-image?
I'm fine with it, although it boosts my ego if I get thinner. Ahaha! Maybe it's the fact that I have bigger boobs at this size. Maybe. >w<
11. Is being tagged fun? Mwr. Dunno. ;3; I'm too bored to care.
12. What websites do you visit daily? igoogle(where all my feeds are), Plurk, Gmail, OneManga,
13. Who are currently the most important people to you? My mom and my friends. ;3;
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? A fangirl! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head? Slow Hands by Interpol. >3< I feel like I'm forever stuck with Interpol. And I dun mind. >w<
16. What’s your favorite item of clothing? My flickr shirt and my cute printed shorts. >w<
17. What's better: to give or receive? Both.
18. What turns you on? Smiles, eyes, personality and humor. >w<
19. What would you like to achieve within the next 3 years? Destroy pekopon! Oh wait... Teaching and working for masters.
20. What should you be doing right now? Working. OTL
21. Do you always use conditioner when washing your hair? I try, especially on really dry days. ;3; My hair just dies. ;3;
Ahur. ;3; Going hoem early today. More lollygaging at home. I MEAN IF THIS THING EVEN POSTS FROM WORK! >A<
And yes, sometime between the last time and now, my favorite kao moji is ( ;3;) That's pretty much my life now. Gyabon.
Well! What do you know! It's posted. Tagging 8 people eh? 8 people who have internet time to waste!! >w<
ficcentricityrainy_takakopuuikibeachyukitsumrklo_stepheninnocentlyjadedsortinghatlovermacgirl_13 Bahgeezus. I wonder what David will put in his fandom! >w