Title: Jealous (ONESHOT)
Paring: KhunYoung
Rated: PG
Summary: Wooyoung gets jealous of Nichkhun and Victoria...
I like him. I like him a lot. Ever since out first debut. But does he already know?
Wooyoung ate his food and thought at the same time. As he was thinking, he stabbed his fish cake with his chopsticks and bit his lip. He sat there alone, eating his Bi Bim Bap. The other members were out, they'd ask Wooyoung if he wanted to join them but he denied, he told them he didn't feel so well. Junsu offered to stay home with him but he also denied. He smiled at them and waved them goodbye. As soon as the van was out of sight, his smile faded and he walked inside the house.
He switched on the tv only to see Victoria and Khun hugging and smiling at each other. They looked like a real couple, but hey, so did Jo Kwon and Ga In. He watched Khun pout, smile, and wink at the camera and rewound the video over and over again, just to see his face. Did Wooyoung have stronger feelings for his hyung? Its so wrong, but he knows its inside of him and he can't stop those feelings.
He ended up falling asleep in those deep thoughts until next morning. Nichkhun woke him up. He was smiling and pinched Wooyoung's swollen cheeks. "Did you miss me last night or something Woo? I came home to find WGM paused on the tv. And it was me winking."
Wooyoung woke up and rubbed his eyes. "No, I just..just..." Wooyoung stuttered. He shook his head and got up to use the bathroom. He washed his face and looked up at himself in the mirror. He had bags under his eyes and red stains from the Bi Bim Bap at the corner of his mouth.
"Wooyoung, I'm leaving soon to meet up with Victoria. So if you need anything just tell me now." Khun called out from his bedroom. Wooyoung froze in his place as he felt tears welding up in his eyes. He wiped them away and walked out of the bathroom.
I'm gonna confess. he told himself. He kept his head low as he entered Khun's room. Khun turned around and looked at Wooyoung. "Don't leave me." Wooyoung said as he looked into Khun's chocolate brown eyes.
Nichkhun smiled his angel smile. "Uh, I'm not leaving for good, we're just having lunch together." Obviously, Khun didn't understand what Wooyoung meant by "leave".
"Nevermind what I just said." Wooyoung muttered as he turned around heading for the door. Nichkhun grabbed his hand. Wooyoung turned his head to look at Khun, whose face showed confusion.
"Tell me, what's wrong." Nichkhun said to Wooyoung. He said it in a way that somehow made tears weld up in Wooyoung's eyes.
"Don't leave me for her. Don't leave me alone. I don't want to be left alone again." Wooyoung said as tears slid down his cheeks. "I love you, hyung. Can't you tell?" he sniffed.
They stood there, hand in hand for a few moments. Nichkhun grabbed Wooyoung's hand hard enough to make him fall into his arms. Wooyoung looked up at Khun. Khun leaned down and kissed Wooyoung on the lips. Khun could taste the salt from Wooyoung's tears on his lips as he kissed him with passion.
They broke apart and Khun whispered, "I love you too. And I won't, ever leave you alone. Because I want you by my side. Forever." Wooyoung kissed Nichkhun on the lips and smiled into the kiss. He was also crying, not of sadness but of joy. Joy because once he confessed, he recived the answer he wanted.
Nichkhun felt some buzzing coming from inside his pocket. He flipped his phone and recieved a text from Victoria:
Sorry I won't be able
to make it to out lunch date.
I have a different schedule today.
Sorry again. See you at
filming tomorrow.
Nichkhun read it out loud and Wooyoung looked at Khun in curiosity. "So, what do you want to do today Woo?" Khun asked Wooyoung. Wooyoung said anything as long as it involved the two of them together. "How about shopping and then lunch?" Wooyoung agreed as they walked out of the dorm room, hand in hand.
Wooyoung ran back inside remembering that he was still in his pajamas and he looked like a mess. "Woo, you look beautiful." Khun said as he kissed the younger member.
(A/N: OMG, finshed in one hour!!! Yay or Nay?)