Mar 18, 2009 17:36
I've been thinking lately what an updated version of Kennedy's Pulitzer Prize-winning "Profile In Courage" might look like. Here are a few quick ideas:
1968 - Eugene Mccarthy (D-MI) - For calling for an end to the Vietnam War way back in 1968.
1970 - John Sherman Cooper (R-KY) - For challenging his own party and introducing bill to end the Vietnam War
1975 - Frank Church (D-ID) - For inventing/chairing the Church Committee which investigated CIA and FBI
domestic spying programs.
1990 - Ted Kennedy (D-MA) - For introducing the Ryan White CARE Act to provide money for HIV/AIDS treatment to low-income and uninsured people.
1993 - Bob Packwood (R-OR) - For being the only Senator to vote against Three Strikes law.
2001 - Russ Feingold (D-WI) - For being the only Senator, from either party, to vote against the PATRIOT Act.
2002 - Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) - For being the only Republican to vote against the Iraq War resolution.
Any suggestions/complaints?